Example sentences of "'re not the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Who are you , you 're not the Queen ’ , and I used to sit down , get pulled up by the girls : ‘ Come on . ’
2 But you 're not the love of my life — and I 'm not the love of yours .
3 He stood quite close to her and he said , ‘ I do n't know who you are , lass , never clapped eyes on you , and from the look of you an' your voice you 're not the kind wor Robbie would pick up with .
4 If you 're not the kind of person who is used to daydreaming , try a simple one first .
5 Ebenezer , who spent 25 years in the navy , said : ‘ We 're not the kind of people who want to go racing round the world .
6 And it was n't because you suddenly remembered you were in love with another man , because you 're not the kind of girl who plays away from home .
7 ‘ If I read you right , you 're not the kind who would welcome further investigation much . ’
8 SERAFIN : But then you 're not the kind of man who would wish to arouse painful feelings in other people , so let's find some more plausible circumstance .
9 We 're not the kind of thing that attracts government funding cos we 're not sort of we do n't go along with the architectural you know , the architectural establishment really insists that everything should be exactly just so .
10 If yo if you 're gon na come here yo you 're the ki not on a Saturday night , you 're not the kind of clientele that 's gon na go to the Empire
11 If you 're not the patient but are visiting someone in hospital and ca n't afford the fares , ask your Social Security office if you can get help .
12 ( Scots get very querulous if you 're not the person they thought they were ringing . )
13 If you 're not the man I love and if you do n't love me , then I am not available . ’
14 There 's nothing to tell them that you 're not the switchboard .
15 You 're not the type to let yourself get carried away like that , are you ? — Forget I said it , will you ?
16 You 're not the type . ’
17 You 're not the type .
18 Some of them are so faded on the top that when you they 're not they 're not the colour you think they are .
19 But they 're not the trouble .
20 ‘ You 're not the mother . ’
21 Williams added : ‘ At this moment in time it is a relegation match but it is n't one we particularly fear — I 've played against them this season and I know they 're not the Forest of old .
22 But when people like Norman Jay and Omar said they were into the track , it sort of backed up in my own mind that it was a safe tune — they 're not the sort of people who give you compliments just to make you smile . ’
23 The software world is gradually being taken over by little animals , and they 're not the sort of cuddly , fluffy ones we 're used to seeing .
24 You 're not the sort of girl to … dammit ! you 're not a slut like Bella , who 'll sleep with anyone for a cheap thrill .
25 You 're not the sort of man who likes to get into trouble , are you ? ’
26 Well you see in an ideal situation of the six people I 've got on the second list there 's better quality people there but they 've got absolutely zero experience but we 're not the sort of company who can take these people on and train them really
27 disgusting but then they 're not the sort of people you can talk to are they ?
28 ‘ You 're not the place I — ’
29 And if they do n't say that , or if they positively say , You 're not the guy , you 're wasting your time .
30 Round NME way the jury 's still out on their Jamie Reid-inspired stencils and spirit of '76 obstructionist shenanigans , suffice to say they 're not The Clash ( the on-stage aesthetics are all wrong for starters ) , owing as much to the confusion politics of glam as they do the confrontational blitzkrieg that was punk .
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