Example sentences of "'re not [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 they 're not affected at all .
2 I waited a little and after weighing it in my mind continued , ‘ They think if they 're not shot at once , then they will be when they 're no longer useful .
3 We 're not shouting at you .
4 And we are only voting on whether we will accept to add these words or not , we 're not voting at this stage on deliverance number two .
5 No , we 're not looking at a new wonder drug , you know , the type that you swallow with a glass of water .
6 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
7 So you 're not looking at the answer .
8 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
9 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
10 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
11 Wah , urgh , I tried to argue the point at appeal , erm , if you look up the listing for these properties , er , in the area which back onto the mill stream , it 's all the grounds are listed because it says quite clearly , that in the opinion of , they form a group , and it was one of the reasons which I 'm glad you , well as you can see , this piece of ground is part of a listing , and although this existing permission , we 're looking at it as a clean site , tonight , we 're not looking at what has been passed .
12 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
13 Right , or rustle the paper even , you 're not looking at it are you ?
14 We 're not looking at that point of view we 're looking at more like working together to find a solution .
15 Erm it , we 've covered some of it , the rest , er , again , because we 're not looking at such large large sums , you know , as Cover Master for Home Health Checks and things like that , erm , but , basically , no .
16 you 're not looking at it in the same way at all .
17 You 're not looking at it now .
18 Cos if if you show them that we 're not , they 're not getting at you .
19 Well now , tell me why you 're not living at home .
20 ‘ They 're not staring at you , ’ she muttered , and he suddenly grinned , quite unexpectedly .
21 It 's alright she ca n't keep quiet Ron , we 're not laughing at you .
22 Tell them they 're not to look at me . ’
23 So on Friday he tried to pull same stunt again so I says oh no you 're not , I says we 're not playing at that , I says chuff that for a lark , I says what do you think you 're playing at ?
24 Alright , so the , the important piece of information here is , I have a train to catch so we 're not finishing at four thirty .
25 ‘ WHEN YOU do comedy you 're not sitting at the grown-ups ’ table , you 're sitting at the children 's table . ’
26 I mean if I tell you where I want dug over , then if you 're not working at the weekend , we can umm dig everything over and then , cos I mean that area down there , it would take no time at all for you to pave .
27 You 're not concentrating at all Paul are you ?
28 Th the crime problem , as we 've already said is n't too , too great here but er nevertheless it 's important that we , we er keep our eyes open and try and keep crime out because some of these people that erm are living in the bigger cities that are criminals are now starting to discover that it 's easier to come out to places like Farnsfield and commit the crime , because we , we 're not experienced at it .
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