Example sentences of "'re [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're on for a fiver . ’
2 ‘ We 're on for the night then ? ’
3 You 're down for the floor .
4 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
5 We 're in for a very difficult time and we must be prepared for it .
6 From the moment you step in to the cool , colonial atmosphere of Sunwing 's reception with its cane and luxurious pastel furniture you know you 're in for a real treat .
7 ‘ Right from the credits sequence , with a double becoming a triple screen we know we 're in for a goody .
8 We 're in for a serious bout of millennial malaise .
9 Make no mistake , you 're in for a really hard time , and it 's not made any easier by the baddies who wander across the screen .
10 I can tell you we 're in for a smashin' night tonight at the Gronky Josstick pub here in lovely Ludlow .
11 You 're in for a quiet relaxing time , giving you a welcome chance to appreciate a mood where you dream of past successes either in the competitive line or in social relationships .
12 ‘ It 's just a feeling I 've got , that we 're in for a hard winter .
13 Also , if you can find their live Ticket To Ride ( NME giveaway EP ) you 're in for a treat .
14 Deciding this time , they 're in for a shock —
15 And when you have Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons starring opposite his wife , Sinead Cusack you know you 're in for a class act .
16 Turning to Naas Botha just as he was preparing to kick off the second half , Bishop remarked , ‘ We 're in for a hell of a 40 minutes , Naas ’ — just what sort of hell Botha would rather not have found out …
17 You know you 're in for a rough ride just by gawping at their photos for this package which show Knight hunched up against some slum wall and Blake glowering in true Exorcist 2 style from within a storm of locusts .
18 Otherwise , they 're in for a grim time of it .
19 ‘ It looks as though we 're in for a tough time ! ’
20 That 's if you get that far — finish behind any of the computer-controlled racers and you 're in for a permanent pit-stop !
21 Just when you think you 're in for a standard , clichéd problem the rug is pulled form under your feet with a hilarious twist of logic .
22 This whole picturesque area has been designated a nature reserve and if you enjoy long walks then you 're in for a treat — gorges , torrents , dense forests and vineyards are two a pfennig !
23 From the moment his attractive colleague Paula shins up a fir tree on page two with her .32 Browning automatic , it 's clear we 're in for a ‘ when the going gets tough , the tough get going ’ sort of book .
24 We 're in for a crash-landing . ’
25 ‘ Looks as if we 're in for a storm . ’
26 ‘ I get the feeling we 're in for a long night ’ , she said .
27 We 're in for a rough time , Marcus .
28 You 're in for a few surprises .
29 And along every route , you 're in for a surprise , whether it 's a lone totem pole , a reconstructed Indian Village or a pioneer 's stone homestead .
30 But first you 're in for a couple of months in Florida .
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