Example sentences of "'re [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 And we 're goin' to use the money to buy something else . ’
2 So every time you cut the grass — or wield a chainsaw , for that matter — you 're helping to pollute the air with evil hydrocarbons and they want you to feel bad about that .
3 They 're designed to take the heat out of the dispute by getting the husband and wife to talk sense rather than war , especially about what happens to the kids and the money .
4 so you 're made to feel the most special person on the earth and I think that makes it worth it for a lot of them .
5 It 's just one of the benefits we 're developing to make the RAC MasterCard the card to take out !
6 ABBERLEY : How can I when you 're wanting to move the bed and I do n't want you to ?
7 If you 're looking to explain the televisualisation of Tinseltown , then perhaps it 's not just a coincidence that Marshall started out in TV : acting in , then directing Laverne And Shirley , a spin-off from the Fifties nostalgia sitcom Happy Days .
8 We 're looking to conquer the planet over the next 12 months . ’
9 If you 're doing both then of course you 're you 're looking to offer the options to er
10 We 're looking to win the league obviously .
11 Now is the right time for something even bigger to happen , and we 're looking to broaden the whole idea of workwear into a promotion of quality , utility clothing : the slogan at PIL is going to be Function as Fashion . ’
12 ‘ We 're going insane , and you 're refusing to issue the cure ! ’
13 Now they 're going to leave the three of us here , to die on this island . ’
14 Well I think they 're going to repeat the offer are n't they ?
15 er er the the sort of way in which we 're going to recover the
16 To do that you 're going to need the good will of the workers within the centre , the local community , the workers within Moat and the different factions within Moat and the one thing that the Tory line did was to unite all those factions against what the county council wanted .
17 So you 're going to see the orthopaedic people there care of casualty , B B C one .
18 Anyway , we 're going to see the Cutty Sark . ’
19 Before the match begins they 're going to see the Falcons fly .
20 They 're going to see the football
21 You bloody chump , I said you 're going to see the and you said yes you 're gon na ask your daddy .
22 ‘ Dad 's going to drive out to the woods and we 're going to open the cage door and let him out .
23 You 're going to love the music .
24 ‘ When it hits , ’ Trent said , ‘ we 're going to lose the mast .
25 And they 're going to nationalise the health service .
26 I 'm gon na write and say and seeing that they 're going to reorganize the way they 're gon na collect the community charge , you know , they 're gon na do it on houses
27 And what I 'm saying is we 're just reversing the we 're going to do the attendance report , financial report and then the chief executive 's report because there are a number of issues which I 'd like to raise within that .
28 What we 're going to do The way we can work it is something like D Y by D X is equal to , now we 've got that ,
29 because somewhere er headquarters , they 're going to do the work for all the region , so therefore they 've got ta go
30 . But then we 're going to do the er garden .
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