Example sentences of "'re [verb] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 And he said leets what you 're hanging something on them ?
2 Mountain bikes do n't have guards because if you 're using them on wet and muddy terrain you do n't want to constantly have to stop to unclog the wheels .
3 How many contracts you 're basing them on two to three weeks .
4 They 're fixing one on Monday so I can see it but I 've already talked to other people who 've done it and they 're so popular .
5 Mind you there again it 's cheaper than it should be because we 're paying it on VAT , you know , it , er , they must think we 're fools
6 It focusses week after week on the same seven characters , all of whom have reached that certain stage in life — they 're having children , their marriages are foundering , they 're wondering what on earth they 're doing in their work , or their parents are dying .
7 if we can resolve it with cos then you 're getting summat on a different style of thinking to that , you know , I know Fred does n't wan na be involved but then you 've always got somebody , well we 'll have to go and see Fred first .
8 But we 're expecting one on Wednesday : the Clinton plan for the American economy .
9 You 're breaking me on the rack of your virtue . ’
10 And erm so if they 're buying it on the , on the market , th the company should pay a fair price for , for what they 've bought .
11 No , they 're doing one on their own , no , we 'll come back to that later on .
12 Well yes , you 're doing something on your own are n't you ?
13 And we 're doing something on the character of the Christian , er I ca n't , obedience , , righteousness is one and I ca n't remember what the other is .
14 Well that thing 's pretty easy if you 're doing it on the beach but what if you 're out in the water and it suddenly gusts up .
15 so like perhaps , say six weeks you 're doing it on the voluntary basis
16 There 's just time for a quick flip through the Highway Code and then your , but the test is even more daunting when you 're taking it on a 15 ton steam roller .
17 whether you 're dropping it on the putting the acid to the the alkal the the metal , the alkali , the base or the carbonate , the salt is always a salt of the acid .
18 They 're putting him on my tummy — he 's red all over ( not just his nose ! ) and completely bald .
19 And er said about it 's a regular and er they 're doing it proper , they 're putting them on jigs so they 're welding them and they 're out of line and all sorts !
20 So , you 're putting her on hold , yes , so you can put your handset down .
21 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
22 Now they 're putting it on their hair .
23 That 's why they 're putting it on this week .
24 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
25 Because of your health , pet , they 're putting us on the priority list , say we did n't ought to be below-ground , nor too high .
26 ‘ You 're goading me on purpose ! ’
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