Example sentences of "down the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing around the sides of the stage except cold brick walls and if you put anything there you cut down the already poor sight lines even more .
2 Obstinately , she remained standing , looking at him and trying to shut down the traitorously receptive part of her that was assimilating the way his formal evening attire enhanced his devastating masculinity .
3 The orderly sergeant missed his footing coming down the rather steep gangway into the magazine , and cursed " Oh bother " or some similar word you hear often in the Sergeants Mess .
4 While watching the slides subjects wrote down the most distinctive feature of each slide .
5 This changes , subtly , the colours and tones down the most garish of shades .
6 Last March a small flock of advanced to expert skiers were herded down the most terrifying terrain in Chamonix by Nigel Shepherd .
7 Note the selection headings for these areas and write down the most important features of the case that occur in each of these sections in a layout that will make the next step easy for you .
8 The risks to his person were already great simply coming down the nearly straight avenues from the Palaţul Primaverii to the Central Committee building , but the imaginary dangers threatening him in the area to the west of the hill were too great to be contemplated .
9 A middle-aged disabled woman attempts to do the same , edging gingerly down the exactly 100 Keep Fit steps , one by painful one .
10 Passing the township , both brakes jammed on , I slither and judder down the newly regravelled surface , hoping for something to pass and pick me up , but also marvelling at the open splendour of the valley scenery which surprises me afresh every time I look .
11 put virtually all his down the very easy column .
12 The early fakers of marble statuary used a variety of treatments to tone down the too obvious freshly carved surfaces , ranging from cold tea to the more sophisticated repeated acid bath treatments used by more recent fakers .
13 It is therefore useful to get a few adults to help calm down the too lively children .
14 It enabled the committed to track down the less committed , and to identify ‘ the enemy ’ .
15 A man stood between these with the barrow behind him , and came down the almost precipitous slopes with the momentum of a quarter of a ton of stone lifting him off his feet for yards at a time , the exertions of keeping the load under control leaving him breathless and throbbing .
16 He did not stay for coffee but left the hotel and walked down the almost deserted main street .
17 Petion moved down the sparsely decorated hall to keep an eye out for anyone approaching .
18 the proletarian plan , according to comrade Preobrazhensky consists in systematically disturbing the equilibrium of society , systematically breaking down the socially necessary ratio between the different branches of production , i.e. systematically fighting what is the most elementary conditions of society 's existence .
19 Rumours of something new would send us rolling down the ever widening highways .
20 These lay down the marvellously patterned and polished surface characteristic of cowries .
21 Such situations have to be handled delicately , without putting down the more extrovert or putting too much pressure on the more introverted to make a contribution .
22 Basically they can add or subtract , and anything more complicated than this has to be achieved by breaking down the more elaborate procedures down to a sometimes large number of successive steps .
23 I was astonished when we began walking down the now weed-strewn path to feel a familiar feeling of fear and expectation .
24 He heard again the noise of doors opening , voices , saw a light streaming across the street , and he was scrambling frantically over the bomb-site , tripping over a pile of rubble , tearing his coat on a fence , and running down the shockingly open street , running for his life .
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