Example sentences of "down [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As she wiped down the kitchen wall , she could see herself sitting on the half-buried block where she and her Dad used to picnic , watching the —
2 By ten-thirty , Beth had cleared away the breakfast things , washed the dishes and stacked them into the big dresser , wiped down the kitchen table , taken the coconut matting from the floor and hung it over the line outside where she beat every speck of dust from it before replacing it over her freshly scrubbed quarry tiles ; all that done she was now enjoying a cup of tea , before setting about the drawing room .
3 On finals , the approach speed was initially pegged at 65 knots and I was able to take hands and feet off to confirm that , like a true thoroughbred , the 207 , with just a trickle of power , will go down the glide slope as if born to it .
4 If firms believe devaluation is likely in the near future , they typically defer investment until after the event , to avoid writing down the asset value .
5 Encouraged by her lack of resistance , he very slowly began to inch down the waist band of her panties .
6 Though the great majority of students never became deeply involved in radical activity , those who did , together with pupils lower down the education ladder , made up over half the 7,000–8,000 political offenders of the 1860s and 1870s .
7 Not that he 's the only climber who appears to wish to play down the education aspects of his past — amongst many others with whom you can have sport in this manner are Stephen Venables ( Charterhouse ) , our own Tom Prentice at Climber ( Harrow ) , or even Ed himself ( Uppingham ) .
8 He tears down the hardboard panel next to the front door and clambers in , with Iain behind him .
9 On the political left , the government is regularly reviled for running down the welfare state , smashing the trade unions , and waging class war .
10 What about scaling down the engine size ?
11 I scrambled back down the ratlines , rushed to the cockpit and down the companionway hatch .
12 A couple more members of the gang came scrambling down the companionway ladder .
13 ‘ Hey , beautiful ! ’ the proctologist , back aboard Wavebreaker at sunset , called down the companionway steps to where Ellen was tearing apart a lettuce for the evening meal .
14 They had to go down the rope side-ladder , Richard first .
15 She turned away , shutting her eyes to adjust them to the darkness , and then with no further hesitation she was going down the rope hand over hand , her feet and knees checking at each knot .
16 ‘ Enjoyed our first day serving King and country , ‘ ave we ? ’ asked the duty corporal of his charges , when at twenty-one hundred hours he turned down the gas lights in the barrack room .
17 Do you mind if I turn down the gas fire ? ’
18 For more than two weeks prior to Oct. 29 , the Central Bank had been selling an estimated US$50,000,000 in gold each day , in efforts to keep down the gold price ( and thereby to hold down the black-market dollar rate , whose divergence from the official rate provided a barometer of business confidence ) .
19 In fact she had been feeling tired and queasy for the past few days ; and that night , when the leading man laid her on the sofa , suddenly turned her head and , without letting the audience see , vomited quietly down the sofa back .
20 The car transporter was travelling down the slip road of the A418 to join the A40 when it left the sliproad .
21 It was supported by elaborate capitals , running down the door sides .
22 Nail down the centre panel — ( rough face uppermost ) around the edges , with hardboard nails , 12mm ( ½in ) and 100mm ( 4 in ) apart .
23 Normally a solemn and serious part of the Catholic liturgy of the Mass , on this occasion its solemnity and seriousness were somewhat dented by the sudden arrival of a very pretty little girl of about four or five , who ran down the centre aisle towards the priest , her pig-tails flying , calling , ‘ Zio Padee !
24 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
25 He is carried slowly down the centre aisle upon a cushioned palanquin , borne upon the naked shoulders of four local May Queens .
26 The pair moved down the centre line and halted square and dead centre .
27 A month later , they began stripping down the provision cart to use for a pageant .
28 He condemned Crilly for his hash , and once went so far as to yank a steaming thick spliff from Crilly 's hand and toss it down the lighthouse cliff .
29 The Benefits Agency is trying to play down the NAO findings , putting them down to administrative delays rather than errors .
30 Rachaela put down the can opener and emptied the spaghetti into the saucepan .
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