Example sentences of "down [prep] the old " in BNC.

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1 Down through the old meat-market streets , into the tunnel with its rows of lights like neon stitching and its shiny cream tiles , up into Venus , then round the western edge of the harbour and back over the bridge to C Street .
2 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
3 From the top you can go down into the old crater via a scree slope which , viewed from the other side , looks impossibly steep ( ’ I 'm never going down there ! ’ ) but is actually quite easy ( the descent is 600ft . ) .
4 Either a spark had come down from the old fellow 's hole up there or him with hobnail boots had trod on er black powder and set it off and his hole went out underneath his feet .
5 She observes that the prisoner is following a prohibition laid down in the Old Testament , but that a rabbinical ruling had allowed Jews to eat in the camps on Yom Kippur in order to stay alive .
6 Philip dropped down in the old bracken .
7 Down in the old Arab quarter of Jaffa , the cosy streets of Roberts ' lithographs are all but gone .
8 As early as 1524 , Henry had given up all hope of Catherine bearing another child , and by the time he became infatuated with Anne Boleyn two years later , he had already begun to convince himself that his wife 's failure to give birth to a son who survived infancy was a sign that his marriage to his brother 's widow was sinful , in that it had broken the laws concerning affinity laid down in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus ( chapter 20 : verse 21 ) .
9 When it comes to crime and punishment , the penalties laid down in the Old Testament for offences against the person are more severe than for offences against property .
10 Well , there was talk about er getting the old hall down in the old street community centre , not the , the
11 The pound has recently traded at DM2.40 to 2.45 , 12% to 15% down on its former ERM floor and 15% to 18% down on the old DM2.95 central rate .
12 The Last Time on the slag heap , bumping face down on the old tray and scraping his knee .
13 They walked down to the Old Rectory gates .
14 Philip and Lee ran down to the Old Rectory .
15 There are two cottages here above the beck which passes the church on its way down to the old woollen mill .
16 The path traverses round this peak and leads down to the Old Church of Martindale ( 2.5 miles ) .
17 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
18 A BP oil tanker was blocking the narrow lane down to the Old Forge , towering over the thatched cottage to which it was attached by its pipe-line as though with an umbilical cord .
19 Within the hour they were out into the countryside , following the track which would lead them down to the old Roman road .
20 They drove north out of Burford , down over the old packhorse-bridge across the river Windrush , then up into the hills beyond .
21 By now the barrel organ was in action , belting out ‘ Down at the Old Bull and Bush ’ ; the noise was tremendous .
22 He sat down at the old table by the window and put a new sheet of paper into the typewriter .
23 Sharpe , his telescope open , stared down at the old , familiar enemy .
24 and all our shopping was down at the Old Town , you had to go down this lane to the Old Town if you wanted a stamp
25 The little plane came down at the old airport , south of the town .
26 It was down by the old meat-packing warehouses .
27 Their powers were laid down by the old Lunacy and Mental Deficiency Acts , which were concerned with the definition , ascertainment and committal of mentally disordered persons as well as with the administration of the services .
28 He normally parks down by the old A A.
29 But I should think knowing he 'll know what 's it like , he normally parks down by the old A A
30 But if we go in the park she can run more , or in the summer we go down by the old railway track do n't we ?
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