Example sentences of "down [noun sg] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It 's worth also mentioning , since you saw it in the practical class , that staphylococci in general produce this enzyme catalase all of these er lo thi this is the enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies it .
2 She pruned her diet drastically , cutting down dairy produce and other foods high in cholesterol .
3 ( 8 ) Hoorays love Indian food and on non-party nights ( Mondays ) , you will find them in groups of eight or ten , stuffing down chicken dopiaza and naan bread with all the vengeance of people who have n't eaten properly for days .
4 Initially this will involve the disposal of certain peripheral and non-core assets to help drive down group debt and gearing .
5 I put down sodium chlorate and poisoned everything , reducing it to two acres of brown earth . ’
6 Most of those affected managed to avoid closing down state government and making their employees redundant by drawing on their reserves , although 10,000 non-essential state employees were laid off in Maine and 20,000 in Connecticut as state government was temporarily reduced to health and safety functions only .
7 The nineteenth-century origins of these provisions are closely tied into a desire to hold down state expenditure and to ensure that the wealthier classes did not have to dig too deep into their pockets to support people who could not work for wages .
8 Its reason for this is largely to do with its distrust of the judges who , it feels , would use their power to strike down government action or legislation as being contrary to a Bill of Rights , as the American courts can do , to promote their own conservative values .
9 Can I just make one suggestion , sorry , and that is er , in four point nine , where you 've got your formal commissioning letter er , you put down order form or contract .
10 There was down stage right and left and upstage right and left , up centre , down centre and of course centre plus many others such as ‘ left of so and so ’ .
11 Training breaks down muscle tissue and during rest periods the tissue is repaired and growth takes place if sufficient protein is available .
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