Example sentences of "down to my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example — I feel disgusted and ashamed — I took my little girl down to my mum 's and I swear to God I remember dressing her — it was winter — but when she got to my mum 's house I took her out of the buggy and all she had on was her nappy and her socks and a blanket wrapped round her .
2 They swaggered into the casino leaving me to settle down to my sewing — trousers for Lee — within the confines of my little kiosk .
3 The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity down to my machine in the laboratory .
4 Look why not come down to my cottage now , and we 'll have lunch there — I never have much more than just a picnic myself — then we can go across this afternoon , and maybe take tea to have on the island ?
5 I only need to carry a few tubes of paint and some water in an old squash bottle , all packed into my fisherman 's box which doubles for a seat , and my paper masking-taped down to my board .
6 I ignore him and dive down to my furniture underworld to etch the bizarre scene on my mind once more .
7 Cheer up , put it down to my charm . ’
8 Then I went down to my dressing room and there was this big , long note that somebody had written and stuck on my dresser , saying , ‘ How dare you bask in the reflected glory of others ’ and stuff like that .
9 I have always put it down to my ability to understand the subject
10 If I had n't made it , I would n't have put it down to my colour .
11 What struck me was the way in which he seemed to have little difficulty not merely in coming down to my level but in entering into my feelings , as if I were telling him about the most natural matter in the world .
12 My hair is only just past my shoulder and I 'd love to have it down to my waist .
13 Enya , who is at No. 11 with the haunting Book Of Days , reveals : ‘ I had hair down to my waist until I was 18 , then one day I cut it all off .
14 my cups down my cups down to my waist !
15 But if I want to play real loud I just go down to my basement — I have a stack down in my basement and just crank that up ! ’
16 Then he bent down to my ear ,
17 Down to my left are normal-sized houses .
18 Yes , he took a deflection off erm Andy Melville , I think he was going for his second , and erm I just managed to you know , just get down to my left and just keep it there , and it just sort of stuck so I was pleased with that .
19 ‘ That is to go down to my wine cellar and get a bottle of nice cold vintage champagne .
20 At this point an aside from Richard marks the turning-point between truth and concealment : ‘ Dive , thoughts , down to my soul — here Clarence comes ! ’
21 Well , the thing is , Pop Will Eat Itself used to come down to my place when I first had it and absolutely f— the place up .
22 She settled down to my right where Steve had just been sitting .
23 I found a niche where a small landslide had left a level lawn with a backing of turf ; and where the breeze still moved enough to allay the midges , and sat down to my picnic .
24 Down to my reason for writing .
25 Her cheeks made minute undulations until , without so much as a quiver throughout the rest of her body , she fired a perfectly formed spitball which smacked my lip , swelled , slid down to my mouth .
26 And I used to er very often go up to her house and she 'd come down to my house and er .
27 It 's not that I t I my friend come cos I do have her little boy now straight from school , she pays for him to have a taxi from Endrodenny down to my house and I do have him until she finishes work and she said oh coming out tomorrow ?
28 And you know , you know when we thought , yeah well she 'd , she 'd just come on when she came down to my house and she was really , really , really in a happy mood !
29 The first May I fell out my garden and put my elbow out , this , this , this one right out which makes it awkward for me to use now , you know , I , I put that right out and therefore erm I had to go at , up to hospital and put that right and the follow the following , the following May my bed caught alight with electric blanket and that blazed all up , had my , had my bed all alight my double bed , the electric blanket and I 'd only just had it serviced and that went , that was the second May and the third May we were going on an outing me and erm Arthur that was lodging with me and he , we got out of the taxi at Parndon and it , he just collapsed and died at me feet so that 's the , that was the end of that and I 've been living here you know , since he went , and erm I used to be able to get anywhere with one stick cos I had arthritis in this right hip you see , I could get anywhere with one stick in the taxi , or anywhere and I went to my son 's , er which is now coming , I 've been here about twelve years in this bungalow , er eight years erm , eight years ago in No this November gone , I went down to my son 's , it was rather slippery and he took me down in the car and I , as I got out erm the car I said to him mind it 's very slippery , he said I wo n't let you fall mother he said , so I went in , but as I came out with one stick he still had n't got anything down , you know , if it had been a , a sort of erm sand or something down I would n't of slipped and I got half way in his car and out I fell and caught this left hip on the step , on the step and I dislocated my hip and it 's right out of the socket like that , it should be , and I ca n't have it put back because I 've had several coronaries in my life time and I can not have it put back you see
30 So , he popped down to my office , stuck this demo on the turntable and it just blew my socks off .
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