Example sentences of "down the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Jesus Christ , ’ he muttered , his glance trailing up and down the columns of print .
2 Meg stood behind him , at his shoulder , holding the two lamps steady above the page , following Ben 's finger as it moved from right to left , up and down the columns of cyphers .
3 It dragged down the timbre of his voice to a gruff murmur .
4 Chatichai had turned down the leadership of the party to which he had formerly belonged , Chart Thai , on July 2 citing old age ( he was 70 ) and political reasons .
5 He tried to prolong the date , leading her down the streets of the old part of town and then uphill to the courtyard of an old cloister , teeming with tourists .
6 When they were asked afterwards , both Owen and North admitted that they had never imagined ‘ a victory march down the streets of Managua ’ .
7 I walk down the streets of New York , the Village , and they stop and they talk , they want autographs .
8 The party he had sought up and down the streets of Keswick , around the lake and in the gardens , was here in the mysterious circle of fifty upright stones at Castlerigg .
9 Sometimes Feeny will rise and sway , humming , with her arms above her head waving , remembering carnival 's forbidden dancing , sashaying down the streets of Jamieston in the wake of the bands weaving like a single creature on a hundred legs , through the alleys and in and out of the back yards .
10 And treking down the streets of downtown Kathmandu is Jan Turner …
11 Here the myth of the founding text is most clearly articulated to that of the founding fathers , whose word lays down the laws of a history in which women and children do not count .
12 er and is that gon na become an increasing factor as , as we continue down the shortage of product .
13 The Judge raised his noose again , while the rats ran desperately up and down the rope of the alarm bell .
14 Instead of swallowing them , however , the eggs are taken into the vocal sac which is unusually large and extends right down the underside of the male 's body .
15 He was lying on his back with the sheet round his waist , one arm flung up over his head , and she could see bruises all down the underside of his arm and down his ribs .
16 His boyish face split into a grin as he saw Yanto cycling down the edge of the wharf like a lunatic .
17 First , remove the strings , then slacken the truss rod completely and sight down the edge of the neck from the headstock end .
18 It is difficult to define this kind of skiing which ranges from skiing down the edge of the piste in the powder which the pistemachine does not reach , to touring from hut to hut far away from ski resorts .
19 Thus there is a clear division between the forehead and the lower part of the face , and a lighter line running down the edge of it suggests that if more of the forehead were seen it would be divided down its central axis .
20 If the red ball goes down the edge of the white ball ?
21 Fascinating to watch : how she smoothed down the shard of the totem to make it a circle , to flatten it out ; how she trimmed and chipped to make the natural lines flow ; how she scored out the eyes , the mouth ; how she touched colour with her fingers to emphasize the woman in the land , in the mask ; how the dead wood began to live and breathe .
22 General Carson laid down the slip of paper he had been studying and looked at the colonel seated across the table from him .
23 Even along this road , however , many of the old ‘ guilds ’ had become , in effect , the organizations of employing ‘ masters ’ — the craft status shifted to the economic status — and these were themselves in complex relations with the development of capitalist trade , which was breaking down the kind of autonomy from which the guilds , new and old , had derived their monopoly .
24 Police kicked down the door of a flat belonging to Maria Shenton 's boyfriend , in Meir , Staffs , suspecting an IRA plot .
25 He saw a tall boy slide down the door of the shop and lie still on the pavement .
26 So Lemmy 's in the pub , arm-wrestling with Hulk Hogan when — ZANG ! — with a mighty kick , a titanium boot laced up with human intestines smashes down the door of rock .
27 On the night of Saturday 27 June a gang broke down the door of one of the galleries of the unguarded archaeological museum on the Cycladic island of Paros and stole eighteen exhibits , mostly marble figurines , dated to the Cycladic early Bronze Age ( 3200–2100 BC ) , with an estimated value of just under £300,000 .
28 Four or five of them broke down the door of the Admiral Benbow and ran inside .
29 All the motorways were cleared and our sixteen car motorcade cruised down the centre of the freeway at 6Omph .
30 It was comparatively easy for the German troops to frustrate any rapid advance by Allied troops , particularly in the vast mountainous regions which stretch right down the centre of Italy .
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