Example sentences of "down [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Uncle Jake says we 've to be down for breakfast in a quarter of an hour . ’
2 Horses often display these signs when asked to perform a difficult movement , and will be marked down for resistance in a dressage test .
3 After the logo 's dramatic unveiling on the stage of the New Athenaeum Theatre , there was a ripple of applause — and much muttering about the design , which may lose impact when it is scaled down for reproduction in newspapers and magazines .
4 Prehistoric and Roman tracks were duly appropriated by drovers from the Highlands , bringing their cattle down for sale in the Lowlands and , when the two nations were at peace , in England .
5 And it 's the usual , well you know son you 're getting on now and it 's time to settle down and I 've put your name down for agency in Taiwan or whatever , and we 've got this lovely girl who we think is ideal for you , da da , da da da and we 're sending over the papers for you to fill in .
6 and one boy chose to write about plumbing and do you know , he found that there was nothing written down about plumbing in the early nineteen seventies there were one or two plumbing text books , they were very expensive and you could only get them through The Institute of Plumbers plumbing is something that until about nineteen seventy five was passed from father to son or uncle to nephew it was a sort of secret craft you know , you can
7 • For a baby , use two fingers to press down between ½–1in in the middle of the breastbone , and let it rise again .
8 After its departure from government , Sir Satcam Boolell stepped down as leader in favour of Nuvin Ramgoolam , son of Mauritius ' first Prime Minister , Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam .
9 I climbed into my sleeping bag and slipped from one dreamworld into another , waking a few hours later to drift down through birdsong in the cool forest to the jarring heat and bustle of Aviemore .
10 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
11 With the slowing down of inflation in the mid-late 1970s , the ratio of direct to indirect taxes in total revenue began to fall .
12 They are biological catalysts — other words they trigger off or speed up a process such as the break down of waste in an aquarium .
13 His paunch flapped up and down like jelly in a windy picnic , and his Adam 's apple did a jig in sympathy .
14 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
15 To be serious , there will inevitably be those who go down with flu in the last week before the race , and those with lower leg pain which is genuinely becoming worse day by day , rather than better .
16 ‘ This honour is a marvellous way to finish off 1992 , ’ said Roy , 60 , who was struck down with cancer in March and given a one-in-10 chance of survival .
17 A parent bird flew down with caterpillar in beak .
18 Gabriel turned and looked straight into Lucie 's green-stained face glistening with grease ; a leather forked tongue was clenched between his teeth , and his black hair was slicked down with water in front of the green knitted hood .
19 Swings often start by touching down with drift in a cross wind and it is worth remembering that , from the point of view of avoiding a bad swing into wind , it is better to overdo the drift correction .
20 Birds would be dropping down in relief in such ‘ fall ’ conditions .
21 Pricing criteria were first laid down in detail in the 1967 ( second ) White Paper — prices should be related to ( long-run ) marginal costs , without arbitrary cross-subsidization , but should be sufficient to cover full accounting costs including the opportunity cost of capital .
22 Here , operational procedures have to be set down in advance in order to specify areas of accountability and standards of performance ; there must be a monitoring system to feed back information on performance to the right authority centres , and arrangements to correct operational activity in the light of any shortcomings .
23 Short of the holocaust , when everything will be blown away on the wind of oblivion , there is no reason to believe that we will see the lights going down on capitalism in our lifetime .
24 Now it is all down on tape in the modestly-titled Gary Glitter Live Rock'n'Roll 's Greatest Show .
25 NEW penalties to crack down on adultery in Malaysia include … six strokes of the cane .
26 Although he is a thoughtful person , who loves to put his ideas down on paper in the form of articles for such august publications as the Harvard Business Review , he suspects that labels are attached to management practices in hindsight rather than as objectives executives set out to master .
27 I asked Kim to put down on paper in a few sentences how she felt about her new shape .
28 From the teaching point of view , it is worth noting that Thomas is not under the pressure that children normally face in school of having to get their first thoughts down on paper in a finished , final form .
29 The implication is that Mozart found composition easy and was able to put large works down on paper in a finished state without prior sketches or drafts .
30 I am often asked how , with Biros vanishing as often as they do , is it possible for some writers to get so much down on paper in a single lifetime ?
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