Example sentences of "on a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He reacted by behaving in a way which rammed home to the Scots memories of Edward I. The events of 1543 took on a sinister familiarity ; for Edward 's attempted annexation of Scotland had also begun with a proposed marriage , between the infant Margaret , Maid of Norway , who succeeded Alexander III in 1286 , and Edward 's son , the future Edward II .
2 Events , at last , seemed to be taking on a constructive momentum of their own .
3 When the toggle keys are switched on a two-letter code appears in the Status Line ( see the screen on page 2 ) .
4 The fact that Adorno 's thinking on the question is locked into a model which pits individual subject against reified social totality leads his picture of the social meaning of music to take on a monolithic appearance .
5 And Piers saw himself being seen and put on a clever sort of don't-mind-us smile .
6 T is but your putting on a Spanish clock .
7 Now we 've shown that the sloppy approach can be put on a firm footing we shall , because of its greater familiarity , lapse into it !
8 Life has taken on a new sense of urgency and my mind is working overtime .
9 However , the golf reports took on a new look when supplied by Jack Webb in the two or three years before his death .
10 There are now nearly 200 National Trust shops around the country , and the town shops , which are open all year round , are taking on a new look .
11 Banishing an old life and taking on a new life and character when the time seemed ripe was a very Indian thing to do .
12 It only took a little adaptation for many familiar songs to take on a new life and vigour , especially with the accompaniment of timbrels , clapping and dancing .
13 The parliamentary party has taken on a new style , in which the old alliance of interests to which Henry Fairlie alluded has fractured .
14 Suddenly , this had become a special event and Lewis knew it , for his playing took on a new intensity as he began to alternate between rock ‘ n ’ roll classics from his early career back in the Fifties Sun era to later country material .
15 Today , in the early 1990s there seems to be every possibility their taste for autocracy and power might persuade the police that secrecy should take on a new dimension , so that sedition could acquire new status as a deviance , while even the ‘ espionage ’ of ethnography could well become actionable .
16 His long-held belief that spinners could not be trusted had been vindicated , and from now on Test cricket would take on a new dimension .
17 His life had taken on a new dimension .
18 Grigorovich 's simplistic , ideological heroes took on a new dimension when danced with such dramatic appeal , with such virility , such fabulous jumps .
19 Fifty years ago , the Japanese undertook their devastating attack on Pearl Harbor and World War Two took on a new dimension .
20 Shirai 's voice here seems to have taken on a new dimension , a darker tonal colour , a new expressiveness that is constantly compelling with the emphasis on the drama .
21 The seemingly inexorable march of new technology in the newspaper industry has taken on a new complexion over the last couple of weeks .
22 Madeleine 's face took on a new expression .
23 If I were taking on a new act , their ability to perform on stage would be second only to the quality of their songwriting .
24 This means managers have to be careful when considering whether to take on a new act .
25 The principal question , whether the serfs were to be emancipated at all , had been answered , for after the circulation of the Nazimov Rescript to provincial governors and its publication in the journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there was no doubt that the relationship between landowners and privately owned peasants was going to be put on a new footing .
26 From March 1859 it was clear that , when the empire 's local government was put on a new footing , people other than bureaucrats would be participating in it .
27 Visitors look around and find themselves at a party , surrounded by chatting people , but their journey takes on a new twist as they glass is tipped , a face looms over the rim and they are poured into the drinkers throat .
28 In introducing the subject Grant commented that while it was important in crime investigation , it has taken on a new significance in the past year because of the large number of valuable documents that had been damaged as a result of fires caused by enemy action .
29 Your shopping receipts will suddenly take on a new significance !
30 Suddenly , his inability to attract friends took on a new significance .
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