Example sentences of "on in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was no immediate sign of an answer , but after Creggan had given up any hope of a reply and was looking at the path lights beginning to come on in the Park outside the Zoo there was a subtle shift of talons in Slorne 's cage , a gentle shift of wings , the swiftest of meek glances , and Creggan , too late to catch the look full on , yet sensed that in her mute way Slorne was saying ‘ Yes , oh yes , you were right to predict her return ’ This knowledge that another eagle there believed his prediction had been right gave Creggan comfort in those first weeks in the Cages .
2 As participants , we often do not understand what is going on in the interchange , so caught up are we with our own agendas .
3 We asked them to the meeting and we look forward to listening to you later on in the agenda .
4 You 've got it later on in the agenda , Arthur , can we wait for that one ?
5 And if we look at the implications er West Yorkshire which were touched on in the beginning of this part of the debate .
6 Something else is going on in the river
7 Our fifth type must therefore be the traditionalist , for whom it is a pleasure to find the past living on in the present .
8 And he walked on in the winter sunshine , the tom-cat smell of the tramp in his nostrils , the wind swelling his clothes , bowling him down the hill towards the station .
9 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
10 Or should they hang on in the hope that these assets will soon be worth serious money ?
11 Written over twenty years ago , it is admittedly a tentative sketch put on in the hope that some English historians and archaeologists would set to work in a more expert way and on a bigger scale .
12 Most of the specifics , particularly tariffs , are the subject of talks going on in the company 's ATM Customer Advisory Council .
13 The explosion will live on in the memory for a long time .
14 ‘ So far as I can see it 's practically certain Mr Merrivale was in there with her early on in the night , ’ said Ethel .
15 Croupy , choking , violent , dry cough with hoarse barking coming on in the night after being chilled in the day ; intense febrile excitement .
16 We 're allowed to have it on in the night when I 'm never fucking here !
17 Bachelors were rather frowned on in the FCO .
18 I did n't want to wear glasses , and I was thinking how I could get out of it but finally they brought in a bunch of pairs of glasses and I was trying them on in the mirror , and I tried on a pair and I thought , ‘ Gee , these do n't look too bad ’ .
19 The lights were on in the Incident Room .
20 These were Allen 's and Marian 's guesses as to what had gone on in the darkness but the rest of the story of those two hours before dawn was easily pieced together from Tom All Alone 's account .
21 A hard square of orange light sprang on in the darkness .
22 They drove on in the darkness , forming one bundle under the cloth .
23 The whole balance of the bird population altered where these changes were going on in the landscape .
24 Lights came on in the Mootwalk shops as one by one they began to open .
25 Harry , for his part , exchanged a knowing smile with Papaioannou , then went on in the direction of the village .
26 Spending on current health needs is often constrained by the serving of financial commitments taken on in the past to secure basic health resources .
27 It 's the officers working now who are the only ones who can really tell you what went on in the past .
28 Free time now means catching up with the things they have missed out on in the past : novels by Michael Moorcock and Toni Morrison , the new Australian cinema , opera cassettes borrowed from the public library , gardening and fishing , weekend trips to the landscapes of their respective childhoods .
29 Living history approaches , allowing children to dress up and experience activities carried on in the past can be extremely successful in the primary school .
30 But I think we need to be clear whether we are talking about ordained or lay people and further on in the discussion whether we can indeed justify that division .
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