Example sentences of "on to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was simply grey water in a steady stream falling on to a sea the colour of metal , on to a grey town .
2 Pictured right is a saffron-gatherer whose image , painted on to a wall in Thera ( now Santorini ) in the first century BC , was preserved under ash even as the volcano which produced it was destroying civilisation on the island .
3 Pin the tracing on to a wall .
4 But it comes with a very annoying gyrating sound as the mirror , activated by the music source , vibrates to reflect the light beam on to a wall or ceiling .
5 Sitting in the dreary Independence Hotel in Tehran late at night , McFarlane fuming in his room , the rest of the party had got on to a conversation about radars .
6 But Fael-Inis was concentrating on spreading honey on to a wedge of bread , and seemed not to notice .
7 As soon as she 'd finished eating Luce moved the tray on to a side-table and , not without a pang , began to read the second diary , followed by the third .
8 Beyond that , the official Libyan theory rested mainly on the proposition that the suitcase containing the bomb had been sent unaccompanied on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt , where , undetected by Pan Am 's inadequate security arrangements , it was loaded on to a feeder flight to London and then transferred to a third aircraft for the New York leg of the journey .
9 Therefore , if a tile , because it is defective , breaks and falls on to a passer-by , the manufacturer of the tile will be liable under the Act .
10 There are various ways of mapping a plane on to a sphere ( or vice versa ) but there is no way of doing this without producing some kind of distortion or another ; Mercator 's projection of the globe on to a flat map , leads to a diminutive Africa and an exaggerated Greenland .
11 To lay an egg , the female grasps a hair and deposits some ‘ cement ’ which is extruded on to a hair just before the egg is laid .
12 More faces can easily be loaded on to a machine , like stocking a larder with exotic ingredients .
13 This will lead on to a discussion of an action-based theory of mentality , the theory developed by the Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher Jean Piaget , and then to some discussion of mental development itself .
14 This leads on to a discussion about the way in which new occupations associated with the new technology are likely to emerge .
15 The last point leads on to a discussion of how staff , volunteers and students are ‘ selected ’ for the scheme .
16 Having given you food for thought , I 'd like to move on to a discussion of the criteria and can I say right now that I think it would be right and proper to limit our discussion this morning to the criteria .
17 MIX and Max with Mel and you could be on to a video winner as we give away more than £2,500worth of Gibson tapes .
18 Knitters can choose from a whole range of techniques and their selection will be put on to a video , exclusive to them .
19 She had either fallen or been pushed on to a spike on the plough ; the level of her blood alcohol gave some credence to the idea that she had fallen .
20 He reached his hand inside each bird to strip its innards away before tossing the empty carcass on to a pile on the ground .
21 The two champions were to hurl rocks on to a pile , ( hurling rocks is a favourite sport of giants , as evidenced in C.S. Lewis 's ‘ The Silver Chair ’ ) .
22 This he threw with a flicking movement on to a pile of scrap iron before making his way towards them , kicking out of his path and on to yet another pile the remnants of what had been a pair of trousers .
23 She ran to the polished mahogany bureau , opened the lid and threw the choker on to a pile of papers .
24 She lifted a leg up on to a pile of old beer crates , leaving Charlie faced with an expanse of bare pink thigh .
25 Next he uses the same technique but this time on to a sheet of transparent glass placed on trestles , which allows the photographer to film the act through the glass , so that we see the paint falling around the pebbles and wires already placed on the glass .
26 The image in Figure 5.12 of an inlaid Islamic brass ewer is formed by X-rays passing through the ewer and on to a sheet of film beneath it .
27 Thumbing the bullets out on to a sheet of old newspaper , he set to work with his knife .
28 If you want to put more than one pattern on to a sheet , make sure that you start each separate pattern on an odd numbered row , leaving at least one blank row between the height markers of the previous pattern and the beginning of the next pattern .
29 You should then trace the design on to a sheet of tracing paper , either tracing directly from the flowers or first covering them with a sheet of glass before beginning your tracing .
30 Sift a little cocoa on to a sheet of nonstick baking parchment .
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