Example sentences of "'ve [vb pp] [prep] in " in BNC.

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1 And finally Chairman , budget proposals which we 've referred to in paragraph fourteen and fifteen are that in recognizing there 's a potential estimated shortfall of some seven hundred and fifty thousand , that five hundred thousand pounds be put towards that .
2 The answer is never one the minimum we 've come across in an organization is two the typical is five to ten and in some organizations it 's going on fifteen .
3 Well it 's it , it 's very much like , you know , a lot of things I 've come across in everyday language where , where people , I do n't know , er friends and relatives have found out that somebody 's been gay , oh well I never thought it of him , he seemed like such a nice person as well
4 And does n't this give us — faintly indeed , but unmistakably — just what we 've looked for in vain in all the other Sicilian allusions : that 's to say , evidence that when Pound was in Sicily he did n't go around with his eyes closed , his ears and nostrils stopped ?
5 It 's only one that can do it at a time we all have a role to play , we 're all part of that body are n't we that we 've looked at in some , what a lovely description it is , and some of us do n't look quite as good as the other part do we ?
6 It 's about five I 've done in in two days .
7 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
8 One of the problems that we 've suffered from in the past was some level of inconsistency which we 've now put to bed .
9 I 've said in in in evidence that er in my evidence that erm that the sites may have a a role to play .
10 But I I 've got to In fact I 'll make myself a note here and now , I 've got to talk to and I 'll get them to send some more tapes .
11 So we 've got to in Trading Standards ?
12 well this is the most , this is the most rain we 've had for in such a period , no , in , in about a week something like that
13 Most of the schemes that are put in here are actually assessed by the area highway engineer and if you 've got particular schemes , especially ones that you know you 've talked about in the past , the best way of dealing with them is to speak to him directly and say , why is n't it in this time ?
14 is what we 've talked about in films and T V is erm having erm I suppose the integrity if that 's the right word of the existing film or programme standing alone and then on separate soundtrack like in the theatre
15 Steven said : ‘ I think we are a stage ahead of the other Rangers teams I 've played with in Europe .
16 And if in fact we have n't got anything and we 've advertised in the Yellow Pages , Evening Press , we 've advertised in in quite a number of other er bridal magazines , but have we got information as to the the the benefits derived from each one of those ?
17 What about up in the corner there there 's er Cos what we 've launched into in the last er nine months very heavily er
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