Example sentences of "being make by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new allegations against her are being made by a woman who was convicted on the same charges and is out on bail with her .
2 Mrs Frizzell , engrossed in thoughts of buying a new dress , as well as her costume for the ball , which was being made by a dressmaker and was as yet unpaid for , jumped and turned round .
3 Moreover I am not satisfied that the defendant 's application for rectification would not come under clause ( b ) as being made by a person who is aggrieved by an entry in the register .
4 The 1984 Labour Conference rejected a plan for the choice to be made by individual members of the party in each constituency instead of the decision being made by a meeting of representatives of wards and affiliated organizations .
5 What else but that the sound is being made by a ghost … by a haunting . ’
6 The need for a radical change of outlook has also been stressed by Bowen ( 1979 ) who sees progress in this direction being made by a mixture of basic and applied work by both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary endeavour diminishing what Butzer ( 1975a ) saw as particularism — the tendency for individual specialists or groups to regard their own field as the cornerstone for others .
7 If the decisions were being made by a planning inquiry and we were the planning inspectors , would we give permission for the spending of someone else 's money on such as project ?
8 Rather as in the case of the warranty given for defective goods , both buyer and seller find it advantageous to set out the procedure and remedies to be followed in the event of any claim of infringement being made by a third party .
9 The evening came to an end after about three hours ' dancing , the final speeches being made by the local dignitaries , this being followed by a round of applause for the French people , led by a British Officer .
10 Receiving a copy of the AGM Minutes from the Branch prompts Air Mail to give a little space to describe the activities and efforts being made by the Branch Committee , a committee which has been virtually unchanged since the Branch was re-activated six years ago .
11 He highlighted the different approaches being made by the regions , putting sufficient emphasis on the distinctions and duplications to enable the assembled company to draw their own conclusions : namely , that the international business was getting too big for the regions to handle , and that the variations would lead to unnecessary proliferation if they were n't effectively controlled and directed by Detroit .
12 Within a few months , similar statements were being made by the king , Stanley Baldwin , Ramsay MacDonald , Ernest Bevin , and a whole host of trade unionists .
13 Further , tacit acceptance of its reputation and credibility in that role was visible through the disinclination of most LEAs to assume direct and full responsibility for liberal adult education and their acceptance of the legitimacy of the provision already being made by the WEA and the universities .
14 Statistics for calorie consumption in the region show that despite considerable variation between different areas , nearly all the countries raised their calorie requirement satisfaction rates during the 1970s , the greatest progress being made by the countries with initially the lowest levels .
15 This compared with the $100 per tonne prediction for the end of the century being made by the CEGB at the time of the 1983–5 Sizewell B Inquiry .
16 There is , however , some potential for abuse in the system , with senior appointments being made by the Prime Minister .
17 In view of the increasingly high awards being made by the Courts , cover under the Property Owners Liability Section of your policy is increased from £250,000 to £500,000 .
18 First , it has dismissed a number of head teachers appointed by the Sandinistas , and teachers who have objected to changes being made by the government have been transferred to other schools .
19 Attempts are now being made by the authors to cross these hybrids with wheat cells , hopefully to produce a wheat-tomato cow ‘ superhybrid ’ .
20 William Brautigan outlined the good progress being made by the church book stall , Peter Fitzmaurice reported on social events and Muriel Brautigan gave details as to the use of a £1,500 charitable donation and outlined arrangements for the next Deanery Pilgrimage , which will be to Bath on May 27th .
21 A fresh attempt is being made by the European Commission to settle an EC institutional dispute over titanium dioxide pollution .
22 The friendship of the M family helped to reinforce the efforts being made by the children 's mother to create a more stable background for her family .
23 The case for the common investment funds is also being made by the Official Custodian as she puts the divestment machinery in place .
24 Share options are more attractive than outright share purchases because there is no risk of a loss being made by the employee taking up the option if share prices fall .
25 Jade axes were being made by the Maoris in New Zealand , almost within living memory .
26 A detailed study of the White Paper proposals is being made by the ARPS Legislation Committee and also by a special Privatisation Sub-Committee set up by the Association of Independent Railways .
27 Plans are now being made by the local branches of CNHC to organise a day of reflection for people working in housing organisations .
28 One of Australia 's few remaining stars was Jeff Thomson , and much was being made by the media of his non-defection to WSC .
29 " A woman worker " wrote to the Despatch in late August , claiming that " persistent attempts are being made by the men to work on the motives of selfishness and self-interest of the women " .
30 The responsibility and duties of the family proceedings court cease on the making of the care order , subject to the provisions of section 34 which make provision for contact orders being made by the court .
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