Example sentences of "being use for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are still negotiating on this wagon , which is currently being used for storage purposes at the former Eaton Station .
2 Already well received by selected retail outlets , it is being used for window and in-store displays .
3 The defect was not noticeable when the recorders were being used for voice or music , but it was enough to mess up software .
4 With so much pollution flowing down the Taff and Ely rivers , there is little or no prospect of the 600-acre lake being used for contact water sports — the health risks are expected to be far too high .
5 What about twinning , do you think that that 's of such a high priority that when council houses need repairs that those repairs should be put down on the ladder and said ‘ I 'm sorry , we ca n't deal with that because part of the money that we could allocate to council house repairs is being used for twinning and things like that ’ ?
6 Rabbi Arye Kaplan , in his book Waters of Eden ( New York , NCSY/Orthodox Union , 1976 ) discusses the significance of water being used for purification .
7 In the absence of any positive action from the government to stop the trade with the Midi , the Federation des Syndicats de la Champagne ( which changed its name in 1919 to the Syndicat General des Vignerons de la Champagne ) was founded by Marne vignerons in 1904 to protect the quality of grapes being used for Champagne .
8 For a time , the Purified Flock and Bedding Company occupied part of the site , producing flock and shoddy , another part being used for brass founding .
9 Therefore claims incurred where , for example , a vessel was being used for drug smuggling would not be covered .
10 The system is being used for pipeline planning in Azerbaijan and Colombia , slick mapping in Vietnam , a mud volcano study in Azerbaijan , and a regional review of Eastern Europe .
11 The Cruise missiles would be used to devastate Serbian airfields which are being used for helicopter flights in defiance of the exclusion zone ruling .
12 In Saxon times some produced no wine at all , their grapes being used for vinegar .
13 Some will be restored to running the exhibition condition , the remaining vehicles being used for component parts .
14 Being used for draught work until quite recently , the French animals retained their size at a time when British cattle were deliberately bred smaller and more short-legged , and these bigger , muscular , fast-growing and later maturing French types now meet today 's demands for lean ‘ supermarket ’ meat cuts .
15 I APPLAUD the excellent article by Raymond Crisp ( Echo March 16 ) about Dr Robert Sharpe 's wonderful idea to stop animals being used for vivisection by issuing Humane Research donor cards — to humans .
16 As well as being used for corn grinding , the mill was also used for cider production , and as a maltings , confirmed by the presence of the adjacent oasthouse. ,
17 Yes , I know of warm , sheltered south-facing walled gardens where good crops of quality pears are produced in ‘ good years ’ , but such ideal sites being used for cordon , fan and espalier-trained pears are few and far between .
18 We often refer to the output as ‘ disposable typesetting ’ , it 's ideal for things with a short shelf life like magazines but not really up to being used for presentation material such as a company report .
19 In other places farms on the edges of high moorland are being abandoned , or the land is being used for water reservoirs , or for recreation , where tourists can picnic or camp with their caravans and tents .
20 The company calls the project its Infostructure Network , and it will involve it laying 7,000 miles of fibre this year alone , which it sees being used for home shopping services , software delivery , movie offerings and interactive educational programming as well as up to 500 television channels .
21 They are not being used for spending , much less for spending on newly produced goods and services .
22 They feel that it will lead to the rich getting transport and the poor getting starvation with land currently used for food production being used for fuel .
23 There are all kinds of reasons for Africa 's food problems — rich and precious land being used for cash crops instead of to grow food for local people ; a much smaller proportion of land fertile enough for cultivation than is the case in Asia or Europe ; farmers being paid such pathetic prices for food crops that they turn to coffee or tobacco in order to survive .
24 In his veto message to Congress Bush reiterated his opposition to abortion and stated that the veto was " important in order to prevent taxpayer funds from being used for research that many Americans find morally repugnant " , but also because of the bill 's " potential for promoting and legitimatizing abortion " .
25 Further paragraphs deal with bells , gongs or sirens being used for theft prevention purposes or to summons help for the conductors , drivers and inspectors of large passenger carrying vehicles .
26 Cos up until then all the natural fibres were still being used , wool was being used for outer-wear , cotton was being used for underwear , cotton lisle .
27 Osborne , a board member of the Royal Opera House , envisages the great courtyard being used for opera performances and concerts al fresco and has brought the ROH 's Angus Stirling and Jeremy Isaacs into the discussions .
28 any motor vehicle when it is being used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or for defence purposes ( including civil defence purposes ) if compliance with this Regulation would hinder or be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion
29 The last record of the bark being used for rope-making was in the First World War , when the German army used lime bark ropes to tow their guns .
30 The hurtful effects of a piece of music do not necessarily stem from anything intrinsically harmful within itself , or even from its being used for manipulation .
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