Example sentences of "even when a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Childminders ' Association is all in favour of ‘ hugs and cuddles ’ even when a youngster is behaving badly .
2 The theatre is ‘ larger than life ’ , not in terms of physical scale , but because movements and speech are comparatively emphatic and intense , even when a play simulates everyday natural surroundings .
3 Even when a decision is taken , nothing much is expected to change in the short term as in all probability there will be a fairly lengthy transitional period .
4 The decision-making procedures within the BEA were , however , slow and , even when a decision to advance design had been taken , some headquarters engineers argued that there should be no change in station designs even in the two years before its sets were ordered ( typically seven years before planned commissioning and eight years before actual commissioning ) .
5 If the very young , and sometimes the educationally very backward , are taught , or perhaps more accurately indoctrinated , with the idea that there is a ‘ god ’ who approves the teaching , who is caring for them , and who will provide for their needs , they will believe this , even when a state of intense deprivation confutes this every day of their lives .
6 Yet even when a person maintains the principle of non-violence , as Gandhi does , it is absolute only in the sense that it informs the spirit and circumstances in which acts of violence are done , and not in the sense that it constitutes a rule which permits no exceptions .
7 This was so even when a child had been submitted for expert medical examination .
8 They are also trouble free , and give continuous protection , even when a window is open — a feature not available with most other forms of security .
9 Even when a discharge is discovered , it is sometimes very difficult to establish where the other end of the pipe is : town plans or the other records which comprise the organizational memory are often incomplete or out of date , while physically tracing the effluent can involve the time-consuming and hazardous task of lifting manholes in the middle of city streets while filling sample buckets , proceeding by trial and error to narrow down the possible sources of pollution .
10 Even when a gag was stuffed into her mouth the sounds went on and on .
11 This is quite a feat , for not even when a lunch is offered do my parliamentary colleagues turn up in droves for a morning seminar .
12 Besides , rumours of pictures like this abound , usually seen by rivals in intelligence services ; was Meyer Lansky bad at keeping secrets , even when a secret kept the head of the FBI in his power ?
13 Hence , even when a referendum takes place in Britain , Parliament takes care to make it clear that it is only a " consultative " measure .
14 Even when a building is relatively plain inside , as time passes all historic finishes and fabric are seen to be of greater significance ; so it is desirable to preserve as much of the original interior as possible .
15 Even when a worker has a job in the productive social sector , his or her output varies considerably between the different republics and provinces .
16 The relationship of settlements to cemeteries can be considered using the results of large-scale excavations as a control , and the actual distances between such features may act as a guide even when a relationship can not be directly inferred .
17 Here the sales staff glided about with languid grace more reminiscent of Paris than New York , the house models managed to look like elegant advertisements for Varna even after a long session of standing stock still while a toile was pinned and draped and adjusted around them , and even when a rail of sample clothes had to be wheeled across the hallowed expanse of green , carefully hidden inside grey and black sample bags to make sure they were safe from the photographic eye of a fashion spy , it was managed with what Hugo referred to as ‘ panache ’ .
18 Even when a problem is solved and the fish have apparently recovered it is common for tropicals to suffer an outbreak of White Spot and Coralfish to get Oodinium a few days later .
19 There was still no acknowledgment from the castle , even when a wailing , sorry concourse was driven up in terror , children screaming , women sobbing , men beseeching , frantic as they were forced to penetrate that shouting ring of circling horsemen .
20 The accord tried to establish standards to protect basic rights even when a government declared a state of emergency .
21 Other masked revellers bowed to her elaborately , and still she kept silent , even when a servant , dressed like an Alice in Wonderland flunkey , presented her with a straw for her flute of champagne .
22 Even when a benefice was in effect being inherited , it was accepted that the king 's right should be acknowledged at the moment of succession .
23 Even when a chip of hail cut her cheek , the worsening weather made her smile grimly : it would confuse heat-seeking and auditory shells .
24 This rarely happened in the World Cup , even when a minnow played against a giant .
25 Firms will be expected to provide accounting information to their successors even when a fee dispute is still outstanding , and firms undertaking additional work will normally be expected to notify the incumbent .
26 Widowed mothers of young children had a poor chance of supporting their families adequately given the conventionally lower pay ( by half to two-thirds ) of women compared with men , even when a job could be found .
27 Motivation was strongest in a democratic group where boys often carried on working even when a leader left the room .
28 When he was in Vienna he had contact with the followers of Freud and Adler , and he found that even when a fact appeared to contradict their theories , they were always able to turn the fact around so that it could be taken as another example to prove their theory .
29 Even when a baby is born with the intact body structures required for communicating , it is necessary to learn to use those structures , to perceive , and to attach meaning to discrete sounds .
30 What is most apparent is that when chronologies are put forward the resulting data either can not be , or is not used to study early Anglo-Saxon society in any more detail , and even when a pattern appears it is noted as an aside to the central issue .
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