Example sentences of "being [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What it does offer , however , is the possibility of digitising the third dimension with a signal passing through the object being digitised to give a measure of its thickness .
2 It was also tied into the whole range of English Romantic landscape painting , especially Turner , in terms of oozing love for the material and not being afraid to enjoy the application of paint .
3 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
4 A body of men and women ( a ) identifiable by reference to some register or record ; ( b ) recognised as having a special skill and learning in some field of activity in which the public needs protection against incompetence , the standards of skill and learning being prescribed by the profession itself ; ( c ) holding themselves out as being willing to serve the public ; ( d ) volun-tarily submitting themselves to standards of ethical conduct beyond those required of the ordinary citizen by law and ; ( e ) undertaking to accept personal responsibility to those whom they serve for their actions and to their profession for maintaining public confidence .
5 A sceptic who peddles the question without being willing to make an appeal to propositions such as these is not presenting an interesting philosophical position .
6 It is hard to trade information : the buyer needs to see the information before being willing to offer a price , and having seen the information then has no incentive to pay for it !
7 Military adventures abroad that extend for any length of time depend on the legislature being willing to provide the necessary funding and the Senate 's approval of treaties can , by no means be taken for granted .
8 Furthermore , even within the narrow spectrum of industries covered by the above studies there was considerable evidence ( Farberman 1975 : 447 ) of persons being prepared to refuse the offer and accept the consequences , which were not always as severe as the Godfather analogy suggests .
9 Students are being prepared to join a profession with its own history and its own view of its role in society .
10 Claims by FORD members at a press conference on Jan. 11 that a military coup was being prepared to stifle the democracy movement were dismissed by the government as " malicious rumours " .
11 This involves knowing the Bible and being prepared to use the opportunities that come our way .
12 EDITOR : As we have always said it is YOUR newspaper , although not being prepared to put a name to letters [ even if the name is not for inclusion ] means authors can not collect the £25 Star Letter prize .
13 From another point of view , it is an attempt to indicate to those who have to put language curricula into practice , at whatever level — ELT classrooms , lower school , sixth form , university — that there is a great deal to be gained by being prepared to leave the beaten track , as H V Morton did .
14 We can hardly deny that " existence predicates " carry a logically independent descriptive content without being prepared to say the same of " truth-predicates " .
15 He was powerfully addicted to conspiracy theory , according to which the group was continually under surveillance by the Special Branch and MI5 , while concentration camps were being prepared to incarcerate the militants as the capitalist crisis deepend .
16 I did n't blame other people for not being prepared to take the risk .
17 From the surviving documentation , annotations on meeting papers , careful notes made of verbal exchanges and copies of correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the broad sequence of events and the serial proposals and counter-proposals which marked a period of intensive and difficult negotiation with neither side being prepared to risk an open breach in relationships which would have been publicly damaging .
18 Leaflets are being prepared to inform the public .
19 The GUARDIAN last Saturday had an interesting bit of copy about clubs in the Premier football division being prepared to consider a ban on transfers of players between the clubs for virtually the whole of the soccer season .
20 ‘ Responsibility means accepting on assignment , being personally committed to seeing it through to success and , if necessary , being prepared to accept the consequences of failure .
21 The final point could hinge on the Government being prepared to drop a financial clause , introduced in the bus privatisation programme , which limits Caldaire to 35pc of any offer above £1.3m .
22 He finds time for them , always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some friendly confidential advice .
23 The tale took some ten minutes to tell , Sandison being careful to allow no inconsistencies to creep in .
24 She sat down rather stiffly on the grass , being careful to keep a safe distance between them .
25 Wanda stole a half-bottle of Latvian double kümmel from her father 's extensive cellar and we took it to a little bridge on the outskirts of the village where we sat and talked , being careful to hide the bottle when anyone passed by but sipping away until we had finished the lot .
26 Two of the leading members of the cast confirmed that — far from being glad to see the back of Kylie as some reports had suggested — there was sadness over her departure .
27 Preceded by to the infinitive is felt to evoke an action referred to a point in time prior to its realization : ( la ) above situates call as being supposed to follow the existence of the obligation to realize this event , denoted by had .
28 Being ambitious to earn a lot of money may seem terribly important while you 're doing it .
29 At first the party leaders resisted such demands as being likely to destroy the party truce and so tried to avoid the public discussion of .
30 Without going into his work in any detail , Cicourel found that white , middle-class youths are less liable to be identified by police and probation officers as having committed or being likely to commit a crime .
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