Example sentences of "being [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Amongst its conclusions , the report welcomes the emphasis being placed by the DSS and Social Security Benefits Agency ( SSAB ) on ‘ customer care ’ , and the recognition that much remains to be done to be sure that an adequate service is given .
2 The appointment of new and conservative judges in the later 1980s was seen as posing a threat to the basic rights enunciated in Roe , yet in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services ( 1989 ) and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey ( 1992 ) the court condoned further restrictions being placed by the states on the circumstances under which women could obtain abortions , while refusing to decide directly to reverse the principles in Roe .
3 However , this product has a better pedigree , being formulated by the Louisiana State University and containing amino acids found to trigger the feeding impulse .
4 Both firms and workers are being coerced by the same force majeure of insufficient demand in the commodity market .
5 The place where that service was performed was the place where the sub-licensee did what the grant enabled him to do without being stopped by the taxpayer .
6 The day started with our bus being stopped by the police , and the RCCC Chaplain , Reverend Bill Holland and Tour Captain , Roy Sinclair were ‘ arrested ’ for having ‘ deep pockets and short arms ’ .
7 stopped , being stopped by the police find a bottle like whisky !
8 This gives the little nest additional stability and so reduces the risk of it being overturned by a gust of wind .
9 The prospect of a civilisation being overturned by an allowed evil getting control is a real fear for Spenser .
10 Yeltsin appeared to be moving towards a rapprochement with the centrist Civic Union opposition [ see pp. 38974 ; 39058 ; 39108 ] , in an attempt to gain its support before the Congress met and to avert the danger of his government and its economic reforms being overturned by the Congress ( elected in 1990 and dominated by conservative forces ) .
11 A limited liability company therefore allows its members the privilege of being shielded by the ‘ corporate veil ’ from unlimited liability for company debts .
12 ‘ It 's as if they were being rammed by an invisible man , ’ he said .
13 An inquiry is underway into how a tube train with passengers on board took off without a driver and travelled for a mile and through a station before being halted by an automatic signal .
14 Are we going to withdraw from the risk of being contaminated by the modern alternatives to following Jesus ?
15 Her predecessor , William Vander Zalm , had resigned after being criticized by the provincial conflict-of-interest commissioner for his role in the sale of his family-owned amusement park , Fantasy Gardens , to a Taiwanese investor .
16 Perhaps it 's the kind of example , in the same way that Westminster Council was held up as an example , and it 's now being criticized by the district auditor .
17 These were some of the instructions being given by the polemaster to the men on the ropes as the two ton pole began to shift .
18 The suspension of Mrs Kemp for over a year with no reasons being given by the local authority , caused grave misgivings in Orkney .
19 The address being given by the Rev Angus MacNeil , Overseas Secretary of the BMS .
20 Ticket for lecture being given by the artist at the Tate Gallery on 18 February , £7.50
21 Mark Francis , who had been acting as the museum 's director , retains responsibility for the administration of the collection which comprises some 1,000 original paintings and drawings , including an important group of early works being given by the DIA Center for the Arts , one hundred sculptures , a complete collection of prints of Warhol 's films , and an extensive archive of source material , audio and video tapes , correspondence and other papers .
22 Sitting back on her seat , she relaxed as the engine started and the long , low open canal boat passed under the first of the very low bridges which spanned the narrow waterways , and tuned in her ear to the English commentary being given by the boat 's guide , mentally turning off when it was followed in French and German to engage in a desultory conversation with a fellow countryman who had chanced to take the place beside her , a pleasant young man attending his first seminar in Denmark .
23 The central aim of the study was to explore the nature of the overall service provided by the police to the public : ‘ policing on the ground ’ , focussing on everyday policing , and to describe the priorities currently being given by the police to the various parts of their workload in response to demand from the public .
24 To recognise the support being given by the Bohill , the Ballysally roundabout at Coleraine , from where Alan Drysdale is the race commentator , will be known this year as the Bohill roundabout .
25 Kryuchkov affirmed the high priority being given by the KGB to combating black-marketeering and organized crime , but not before he had alleged that certain forces were engaged in " economic sabotage " for political ends and were in league with the criminal underworld .
26 Amnesty claimed to have " compelling evidence " confirming that Iraqi soldiers had looted incubators from three of the main hospitals in Kuwait City , thereby causing the deaths premature babies , the number of such deaths being given by the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society as 300 .
27 In early May FIS representatives said that the party would participate in the general election subject to certain " guarantees " being given by the government .
28 Also , encouragement is being given by the fuel industries to install new kitchens with combustion free , stream-lined equipment in a move towards the clinically clean kitchen which is environmentally safe and has energy efficiency in mind — microwave and electric conversion combinations have proved themselves successful in this respect .
29 And , speaking just hours before the Budget , he warned that confusion in the signals being given by the Chancellor in his handling of economic policy would damage the ‘ fragile confidence ’ now emerging .
30 Bu but it , it 's , it 's momentum is being given by the poor .
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