Example sentences of "being [verb] [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 I used to do this thing about being tucked up by my mother at night .
2 Ironically , given the severe limitations of freedom of speech planned in the future fascist state , Mosley deemed it necessary to protect that liberty by providing more rigorous stewarding of public meetings to prevent them being broken up by left-wing activists .
3 an image in which the subject has continuous shades of colour or grey without being broken up by dots .
4 However , players excel and quality rises when one 's team is being cheered on by four or five thousand enthusiastic fans and even the hundred plus that turn up here every week can lift a team , so , please , continue your support in the forthcoming season .
5 The Carrier 's Dance : Of all the working dances , this one is the most characteristic and represents men being cheered along by music as they carry fully laden baskets or other heavy loads on their shoulders .
6 However the REHAB behavioural scale was used , being filled in by hostel staff .
7 Initially it was suggested that it was impossible , and that quasars were in fact relatively nearby objects , their large speeds of retreat arising because , perhaps , they were being spat out by our Galaxy in some unknown way .
8 The all-male strip troupe are being checked out by the Office of Fair Trading after a rival group complained about unfair practices .
9 ‘ If you 're being checked out by someone the fact that they can compare you with a photo is so satisfying that you 're on your way before you know it . ’
10 Has my mother any entitlement to income on the £60,000 as it was being gathered in by the solicitors and prior to it being handed over to the investment adviser for the purchase of the securities agreed by the trustees ?
11 It seems daft to have to send to America to buy a British product , but that is what I have done , because I am tired of being ripped off by every Tom , Dick and Harry .
12 The law protects tenants from being ripped off by rack-rent thugs .
13 I 've just remembered this , her saying about Annette , you know when Sue came up and said about erm being stunk out by the exhaust on that
14 Also blood , and menstrual cramps and the thought of labour pains and being stitched up and being woken in the night by a shitty damp bundle and having my tits tugged and bitten , and being mauled around by macho chauvinist piglings who call themselves obstetricians .
15 The solution offered in the Financial Services Act 1986 is a practitioner based statute backed system of supervision ; one characterised by an over-arching statutory framework with much of the fine detail being fleshed out by practitioners .
16 They say reading and writing tuition is being squeezed out by other subjects .
17 But there are few advocates for patients with anorexia nervosa and they carry the risk of being squeezed out by the increasingly technological emphasis of general medicine and the concentration of psychiatric services on the needs of chronic psychotic patients .
18 But by the 1930s the Gloucestershire Old Spot was being squeezed out by faster growing modern hybrids .
19 Some Sutton pupils expressed worries about being picked on by the ‘ bigger ones ’ and were concerned about going into the same playground .
20 McVicar who was involved in riots and rooftop protests at Durham and Chelmsford Jails says the army should have stormed the prison to save sex offenders being picked on by rioters .
21 He imagined gravel being sifted , all the particles , the minute stones , being picked over by some policeman whose job it was to do that , the tiny flints laid in one tray , the wood fragments in another , and then , in a third , the shot .
22 Sometimes we went to the Cours Mirabeau and watched the debris from the daily market being picked over by the local dogs .
23 In a similar way , he developed a totally new technique for studying branching fibres by using pairs of fluorescent dyes , with the potential for being picked up by separate branches .
24 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
25 they were being picked up by two Commandos and dumped on the grass verge .
26 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
27 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
28 Four more S.79s were sent out from Sicily to search for it but one ran out of fuel and had to ditch , the crew being picked up by an Italian hospital ship .
29 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
30 As an alternative , radio versions are now available at economic prices ; these allow virtually unrestricted movement to the wearer , the signals being picked up by a special receiver which passes them on to the camcorder via a short cable connection .
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