Example sentences of "being [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Well , and then I went on to Rome to look at a Goldoni production and I had to see the Pope , but I tell you — I hope you 're not Catholic — the sight of the old pullet being cheered up the aisle of St. Peter 's …
2 The little girl was frightened when she saw her mother being hustled up the aisle towards her .
3 I cut it out of Cosmopolitan magazine : an article entitled ‘ Think Yourself Thin ’ , illustrated by a blonde woman in a bikini being carried on the arms of two grinning , solid young men .
4 By nineteen ninety-one sixty-one per cent was being carried on the roads with just seven per cent going by rail — part of the continuing trend of freight away from rail to road .
5 Ebenezer was dimly aware that he was being carried up the narrow staircase .
6 I watched Tafari 's son , Asfa Wossen , being carried up the Legation steps in a red cradle hung round the neck of his servant , while a large escort of armed retainers dispersed down the drive .
7 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
8 Harry Agg , the old man who had helped on the farm for very many years , was still employed there , but he did little more than potter , his main duties being to clean out the stables and cowshed .
9 I do n't know how this happened , but er erm a piece of wood or something fell and hit him on the back of the neck and woke him up and he woke up from the vivid dream of being at the time of the French Revolution , of being lead up the guillotine and having his head chopped off .
10 agree to it being handed in the next day as opposed to the next lesson ?
11 Lee was being dragged down the bank .
12 Her despair at this belated realisation had rendered her only half aware of being dragged down the gallery stairs and across a hall humming with surprised murmurs .
13 I was appalled to note in Peter Jones 's report today of the Scottish Labour conference that in opposing the proposal to give the Scottish party greater autonomy the North Aberdeen MP , Bob Hughes , could warn delegates against the danger of ‘ being dragged down the back alleys of silly little constitutional issues ’ .
14 The Economics Minister , Juergen Moelleman , has called for Western states to provide urgent aid to make ex-Soviet plants safe , with the priority being to shut down the RBMKs .
15 ‘ I was only young at the time , but I can still recall the funeral , and the flat cart with his coffin being pulled up the field by his horse .
16 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
17 Now new presssure is being brought on the government .
18 A block of stone being brought up the slide from an underground quarry at Herston .
19 Launching the document , Bill Brett , general secretary of IPMS , said ‘ already the UK is being driven down the league table of industrially developed countries .
20 Having secured seats on the saloon deck we went to look about us , and saw another large flock of sheep being driven down the quay towards our steamer .
21 William and Joe were busily employed , hands in pockets , watching the Francis Forbes Barton being winched up the slipway by the old capstan after a practice launch .
22 The injured man 's canoe was rescued by a speedboat after being swept up the Maisemore channel of the river and was hauled undamaged up the 15 ft high bank .
23 As the tale came to us , my lord , the boy was seen bound and muffled , being led up the slopes from Severn into Parfois .
24 They are structured in such a way that while we feel our way visually into the space suggested by the subject our eyes are simultaneously being run up the picture by short thrusts in and out of a limited pictorial depth .
25 But while it was being chopped down the Collector and his men had emptied their guns into the hacking sepoys , and the door had become tightly jammed with the dead , many of whom still had bayonets wedged in their lifeless hands .
26 As I 've already said , being a few seconds late will not be a severe disadvantage , but being early or being forced down the line will stop you from tacking when you want to .
27 He described being taken over the years to see his sick , and finally dying and almost certainly innocent father in another prison .
28 CONTINGENCY plans to cope with a serious accident to a nuclear weapon being taken over the Kingston Bridge in Glasgow are flawed , councillors heard yesterday .
29 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
30 The second reading of the Finance Bill follows and from 1969 the bill has then been divided , clauses and schedules which involve issues of principle being taken on the floor of the House while the more detailed clauses are sent upstairs to a standing committee .
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