Example sentences of "even [vb base] for a " in BNC.

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1 I may have to spend a lot of my time in Scotland now — perhaps even look for a Scottish constituency — and your work is in London . ’
2 Women 's periods are often affected : they may become very heavy , lose their regularity , or even disappear for a while .
3 There are therefore two important pieces of preparation which you should make before you even apply for a job , let alone go for an interview for it .
4 You can try your luck in Scheffau , and even compete for a bronze , silver or gold medal .
5 In fact mounting excitement sweeps him along impetuously enough to make you even wish for a little more restraint .
6 I did have a little thought last night that maybe he is not expecting much this year but looking to get us on an even keel for an attempt next year on the title ( with maybe another central defender ) .
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