Example sentences of "even [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He even helped to light the fire .
2 Indeed , he probably even helped to draft the document ’ Britain 's New Deal in Europe ’ .
3 They even tried to arrange an earlier flight home — but were told they would have to stay .
4 He even tried repeating the bee .
5 We gave more funding to the citizens advice bureaux : the Government even tried to axe the NACAB grant , but had to back down .
6 I 've done bleach and Dettol and salt and vinegar , I even tried burning the buggers out .
7 Such conscientious couples even tried to share the child bearing as far as possible .
8 They even came to incorporate a small tribe of native neighbours as permanent auxiliary troops ; this at least is the information conveyed by Caesar ( B. Civ. 1 .34.4 ) .
9 It made no sound , and even seemed to absorb the sounds around it , like a sponge soaking up water .
10 On the surface , de Gaulle even seemed to favour the idea of the EEC as a political unit .
11 At one moment he even seemed to have a small advantage , but after 44 moves a draw was agreed in a level position .
12 People , their understandings of their circumstances and their struggles to force collective facilities out of the state , were again under-conceptualised and , indeed , even seemed to have a small role to play .
13 ‘ So absorbed you even forgot to close the door ! ’
14 We shall look at a particular example and shall conclude that , when it comes to complexity and beauty of design , Paley hardly even began to state the case .
15 He even began to whistle a tune under his breath .
16 As the weeks passed , he even began to think a little about his home and his son .
17 She even began to resent the attention her baby boy received from others , as if he had displaced her .
18 It was not until the nineteenth century and the work of Pierre Janet that anyone even began to consider the subject of regression .
19 Not only did they disclaim any career but motherhood , they even began to question the need for the higher education itself .
20 After the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 the USSR ordered the local communist party ( Tudeh ) to support the Ayatollah Khomeini , and even began to supply the new regime with weapons .
21 She even called Caringolat a pervert , who derived pleasure from making boys suffer .
22 I mean , yo , he even decided to grow a beard , for one thing he could n't be bothered shaving , did you remember ?
23 At least Morse spared Cedric Downes the charade of a cordial re-greeting ; he even forbore to express the hope that conditions were satisfactory and that the prisoner was being well treated .
24 He evidently hoped to secure the Mullah 's daughter as a bride ; it was believed that he even aspired to marry the Caliph of Islam 's daughter .
25 ‘ By this time I had already been fooling around with sound on sound recording , and then in 1971 some aunt that I never even knew left a small house to me and my two brothers .
26 We even managed to acquire a small grant towards the costs , as the house had been declared uninhabitable and was zero-rated ( in the pre-Poll Tax era ) .
27 Ever the gentleman he even managed to pick a Michael Fallon sticker off the bottom of a ladies ' shoe , only to get it stuck on his own .
28 He even managed to delay the founding declarations on Saturday , despite being whistled and booed from the hall .
29 Ann and I even managed to find a boat and ventured out fishing on Dunalister Reservoir , a shallow , flooded loch between Rannoch and Tummel , formed when the waters of Rannoch were impounded as part of the Pitlochry Hydro Electric Scheme .
30 We even managed to get the disks out of the country , via the British Embassy in Baghdad .
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