Example sentences of "even [verb] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 it is worth writing an index and even typing a few pithy words of your own to remind you , and others , of why you did what you did , when you did it !
2 We did find time for some work at Orkney which even produced a few seizures , but we were a little early for the oil traffic which was only just beginning to affect the island .
3 The new , Kixx-produced packaging tells you all you need to know about the controls and special weapons ; it even included a few tips on baddie bashing , but gives no idea as to how you came to be doing it or why !
4 These otherwise humble humans are almost totally deaf ( well , they can hear after a fashion and even utter a few ponderously slow , deep drawling growls , but they only use these sounds for rudimentary purposes like communicating with each other ; they do n't seem capable of using them to detect even the most massive objects ) .
5 I even practised a few variations at home to see if the system could be improved .
6 I think she even done a few films . ’
7 In view of the potential for chlamydia to damage the fallopian tubes we may even prevent a few cases of infertility in the process .
8 But the interloper keeps right up with us , and even introduces a few new movements of her own .
9 A winter-flowering cherry , planted in memory of someone in a place I can not visit to water regularly , bit the dust last spring , but a replacement seems to have become established and even had a few blossoms this winter .
10 I think I can help the station with its planned expansion , and even add a few ideas of my own . ’
11 More and more of us are too hard up even to afford a few quid drowning our sorrows in the pub .
12 All new managers recognise that , before you even get a few decent players in your team , you must first nip down to Ratners and buy yourself a really flashy pair of cufflinks .
13 Once they found their bearings some of them even discovered a few side-benefits to internment :
14 The Royal children might even pass a few exams which is more than their expensively educated Mummies and Daddies managed .
15 I have indicated several recommended walks that may be made from parked cars , even reaching a few of the more spectacular mountain summits .
16 On arrival at the hospital , however , she relaxed a little , even managing a few lighthearted words of encouragement .
17 She even took a few steps towards them .
18 He used a variety of lures and even took a few fish on fish baits .
19 Let him get together all the composers in Munich , let him even summon a few from Italy , France , Germany , England and Spain .
20 ‘ I do remember , at the discussions with Verity , they even had a few sketches done of the kind of clothes she would wear .
21 The Russians even sacrificed a few of their less important informers in the West so that Blake could claim further success .
22 I noticed that Aunt Louise could thread her needle without too much trouble and even write a few letters , but I had heard that sight is often impaired by poor health , and prided myself that this improvement might be due to good food and peace of mind .
23 I 'd played at a club in Soho , even backed a few rock bands Lloyd had claimed to manage , and he 'd run a string of female mud wrestlers , mainly in the clip joint next door .
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