Example sentences of "those who [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 In effect , professional and financial factors combined with political pressures to strengthen the camp of those who pressed for the reform of ORTF .
2 That should go to the rescue workers who took great risks to bring out survivors , the skill of the medical teams and the love expressed by those who cared for the injured and bereaved .
3 So it was a great disappointment to discover that she was quite unlike all the other home-bred horses , and that she would give nothing in return to those who cared for her and bestowed affection upon her .
4 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
5 By his romantic rise to fame and fortune and his great philanthropy to those who cared for his mother , James Macrae was a credit to the land of his birth .
6 As Oliver ( 1986 ) has recently pointed out , the word was originally used in respect of those who cared for dependent adult relatives , mostly elderly people :
7 To a romantic affectionate boy such as Rich , watching the wear of work , sensing the tensions of poverty , longing for everything to be given to those who cared for him so much , money could seem the sole solution , the salvation .
8 Those who cared for Michael gently encouraged him to accept his toys and belongings again .
9 Her sister was headstrong and volatile , sometimes thoughtless of the feelings of those who cared for her , but she could also be charming and generous , compassionate and very lovable , and she was certainly no femme fatale , to lead a man to his doom against his will .
10 Those who opted for the unit trust — the South and East Asia Growth Trust — would have been able to realise their holdings for cash at about 98 per cent of Drayton Asia .
11 He also distributed library books to those who asked for them — although I saw few books in the cells or barracks and it was stated that few prisoners were interested in reading .
12 The mixture of reactionary conservatism and political anti-semitism in the main represented a response of those who asked for a stable hierarchical society based on paternalistic deference .
13 By 1928 Vidor was almost a cult figure amongst movie intellectuals and when he was in Europe in that year all those who hoped for better things listened with interest as he pointed out that independent film-makers and the ‘ little theatre movement ’ would never compete with Hollywood and would never break through to the large undeveloped market unless they attracted sufficient investment to improve their product .
14 In the tradition of Western philosophy there have always been those who longed for a society in which injustice and poverty were abolished and people able to share their material possessions .
15 She emerged from her apartment preceded by officers of the household and as she went along ‘ spoke very graciously , first to one , then to another , whether foreign ministers , or those who attended for different reasons ’ .
16 In Kufra district many of the foreigners were black , and Tibbu-speakers from Chad were the majority , a presence which alarmists saw as overwhelming because they counted as resident those who paused for a week or a month on their way north or south .
17 The Ayrshire Cattle Society was founded in 1877 and its first herdbook published the following year , but there continued to be conflict between those who bred for show and those who bred for commercial production .
18 The Ayrshire Cattle Society was founded in 1877 and its first herdbook published the following year , but there continued to be conflict between those who bred for show and those who bred for commercial production .
19 This fell into three categories : those who waited for applications to come from staff , those who nominated or requested staff to attend courses , and those who had a system combining the two :
20 Those who fought for political control after James V 's death , therefore , were fighting for far more than personal position .
21 There were those who fought for the joy of fighting and those who slew for the sake of slaying .
22 I thank those who fought for that gift and who built the lasting institutions of NATO and the European Community from the ruins of 1945 .
23 The problem we have to grapple with in trying to understand the significance of the events is the contradiction between the ostensibly humanitarian instincts of those who campaigned for legal change , and the controlling impact they had on people 's lives , particularly working-class girls and homosexuals .
24 Implicit in the rhetoric of those who campaigned for stiffer age-of-consent legislation ( and the campaign went on into the 1930s to raise it above 16 , even to 21 ) was the assumption that young working-class girls were ignorant and defenceless and could not decide for themselves .
25 Except , as we have seen , for confident bourgeois like James Mill and Edward Miall , both those who campaigned for universal suffrage , like the Chartists in the 1830s and '40s , and those who dreaded and opposed it were agreed that it would lead to the political domination of the working class .
26 The 1530s , therefore , saw some tentative official moves towards religious reform , although they all reflected the tension between the forces for conservatism and those who looked for change .
27 Yet the fact that up to 40 per cent felt under no compulsion to oblige the local magnates with their votes is revealing , and makes us wonder whether those who polled for the Whigs really did so out of deference or as a result of political conviction .
28 He draws a clear line between individual patronage which had declined by this time , and the subscription method which , while it left authors obliged especially to those who solicited for them , reduced individual dependence :
29 The means was to restrict the legal provision of credit to those who applied for it and were granted a licence .
30 In March 1886 Joseph Chamberlain , as President of the Local Government Board , responded by issuing a circular to local authorities urging them to schedule necessary public works for periods of depression , and to co-operate with the Poor Law by providing paid , non-pauperizing work for those who applied for poor relief due to temporary unemployment .
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