Example sentences of "those that [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now merely saying that is not evidence of any kind ( and may merely annoy those AI workers who program in languages other than LISP and do use flow-charts ) , but it does bring out something of the opposition between modules and levels that is the heart of the last part of this paper : flow-chart boxes are essentially separated from each other in ways like those that separate the modules of programs ; but program levels are not like that .
2 The empowered organisation , emphasises Kinsley Lord , is held together by forces different from those that bind the command organisation : ‘ If the conventional metaphor for the command organisation is a dinosaur , with the brain at the top issuing instructions to the ponderous body , then that for the empowered organisation might be a shoal of fish , moving rapidly and constantly adjusting its shape through signals that are instantly understood . ’
3 They call it the Winter Game … and those that follow the form from Kelso to Kempton … from Wolverhampton to Wincanton reckon its the hardest game of all …
4 Those that follow the form , will be calculating the affects of the weights and weather .
5 " Cloudy " phrases are those that obscure the precise meaning of a sentence .
6 Those that bring the inventor wealth and fame , and those that make a fortune for someone else , ’ he says .
7 One glaring contradiction to host specificity in the Laboulbeniales is found among those that infest the members of ant colonies ; both the ants and their arthropod guests .
8 The genes that control the virus 's ability to multiply come from the bird strain , and those that control the development of the virus 's antigens come from the human virus .
9 Interestingly , there is a single ‘ command ’ neurone which can cause an increased supply of blood to the body , by stimulating the two accelerating neurones , and inhibiting the neurones which slow down the heart , and also those that constrict the blood-vessels .
10 Thus the conditions of training that generate habituation of the UR ( i.e. those that put a node into the A2 state ) will also result in the stimulus acting as only an inadequate CS — that is , they will also produce latent inhibition .
11 Those that put the burgeoning ‘ utility workwear ’ talk into the same dumper reserved for ‘ the urban soldier ’ ( head-to-foot camouflage ?
12 Another possibility , for example , uses the same concept of a filter set , but instead of taking the definition as a whole , takes the separate senses and progressively eliminates those that show the least overlap with the filter set .
13 Those that use an ordinary seed tray can be used to germinate most seeds that you want to sow fairly thickly to provide plenty of seedlings for pricking out into ordinary seed trays later .
14 Some conditioning procedures ( in particular , those that use the suppression of ongoing behaviour as their measure ) engender the development of a CR that is similar in form to the UR evoked by the CS when it is first presented .
15 Limiting the studies included to those that use the same measure of quality of life might lend a table some face validity .
16 The most important distinction is between those that register the activity of large numbers of cells and those that record action potentials from individual units .
17 It may turn out that the distinctive features of a causal story associated with semantic content are precisely those that require the language of belief , desire and intention , in order for their isolation to have any point within the overall causal explanation of what happens when the speaker communicates with another .
18 Among the most painful objects of the present are those that tackle the evanescence of contemporary life with something only too material : fibreglass , life-size millworkers in industrial theme parks ; Tudor-style triple garages .
19 Clarke would do us all a big service if , in his next book , he could produce a law that sorts out the predictions that are too spineless from those that assume the human race to be capable of too much ,
20 The former , in so far as he considers explanations at all , inclines to those that stress the purely mechanical relations between events .
21 Those that vacate the burrow first should be reintroduced via other unferreted holes and this work sequence continues until all known sections of the burrow have been investigated by the animals .
22 The most terrifying ants of all are those that make no nest but wander through the countryside seeking prey .
23 The skulls of an elephant and of a man are different shapes , but this is not because the molecules which fit together to make an elephant 's skull are a different shape from those that make a human skull .
24 ‘ Those that bring the inventor wealth and fame , and those that make a fortune for someone else , ’ he says .
25 With air-driven models , especially those that reach the tank bottom , the contact time is greater and little escapes .
26 The women 's event is being staged in two pools of five followed by semi-finals and a final so it promises to be a tough weekend for those that reach the latter stages .
27 Some never come to be , unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them . ’
28 Galadriel 's warning about the events in her mirror , ‘ Some never come to be , unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them ’ , would have been well said to him .
29 Very broadly , the algorithms summarised here fall into three groups : those that optimise a parameter ; those that record numeric observations and extrapolate from them ; and those that use real numbers as weights , to choose between alternatives .
30 While many companies have a specific department with this title , there are those that take the view that marketing is the concern of all , while agreeing that the major role in providing market intelligence and identification is a commercial one .
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