Example sentences of "those [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the countryside , in ribbon developments and even new housing estates , Victorian sewerage systems have to serve populations ten times larger than those for which they were designed .
2 Staff willing to work additional hours beyond those for which they are contracted should be identified .
3 That is , women had felt obliged to take less-well-paid and less-skilled jobs than those for which they were actually qualified .
4 Tools can be used as weapons , Harry , but if you 'll promise these shall never be put to any purposes but those for which they were intended , you may work here whenever you wish .
5 It will be used to mean the exercise of power for purposes alien to those for which it was conferred .
6 On 7 August the Cabinet accepted Ede 's conclusions that an amendment providing for the abolition of capital punishment could not be ruled out of order on the grounds that it did not come within the scope of the Bill , and that it would be impossible to grade murders into those for which capital punishment would be retained and those for which it would be abolished .
7 Knowing general family traits provided a good starting point and from assorted references I began to get an idea of the species I could hope to find myself and those for which I 'd need help .
8 Lady Kitty 's wardrobes were crammed with clothes , and she would give those for which she had no further use to someone with little money — in exchange for some of their coupons , of course .
9 He recalls that US researchers came up with a list of programmes of which they approved , including The Waltons , and those of which they disapproved , including the old Batman series , with its camp humour and captions saying ‘ Pow ’ when he punched the baddie .
10 Analogy means that the events being investigated are essentially similar in kind to those of which we ourselves have direct experience .
11 Even those of which we have evidence are very daunting creatures — and the most surprising descendants to have sprung from the simple little shells that first appeared 600 million years ago .
12 ( Compare ideals of love of which this is true with those of which it is not . )
13 While Between explores the discursive role of women from a semiotic perspective and isolates characteristically female forms of language use which hold the potential for critical examination of our contemporary cultural ‘ mythologies ’ , the object-discourses on which Thru works are those of which it is itself an object .
14 As Gandhi shows clearly , the purpose of satyāgraha , which is the technique of ahi sā , which in turn in its positive connotation means the love that endures all things and never fails , is to convert and not to coerce those against which it is directed .
15 They appear to take to aquarium life quite readily and adapt to conditions which are obviously vastly different from those into which they have been born and become accustomed in the wild .
16 Interviews make people nervous and unfortunately many of our most irritating mannerisms are those into which we retreat when under pressure .
17 They are not aware of all such emissions , however , from all plants and other creatures — just those with which they have close ties .
18 First , they may pick and choose among organized groups those with which they are keen to associate for political reasons , giving them consultation rights and access to decisions at an early stage .
19 This approach does not place the emphasis upon the problems with which solicitors do deal , but upon those with which they could deal .
20 The problems we shall face will not be wholly new ones , but those with which we are familiar ; though perhaps intensified and extended .
21 Reflection on smaller examples of causal circumstance and effect , such as those with which we began , is quite as capable of illustrating this fifth causal connection .
22 Those that wanted little more than routine audits have been redirected to other firms , allowing Robson Rhodes to concentrate on those with which it felt it could build a long-term relationship as ‘ a business counsellor ’ .
23 In other words , different legal arenas are not entirely severed from each other , and political movements such as the peace movement will have to bear in mind the impact of its legal activities on legal arenas other than those with which it is immediately engaged : for example , does the encouragement of judicial activism by the peace movement , or an invitation to adjudication based on natural law , open floodgates which — although they produce desirable results in the short term — one would in the long term prefer to remain shut ?
24 Second , an animal might direct altruistic acts towards genetic relatives of those with which it was raised .
25 Freedom , we now notice , is not always a higher ideal than those with which it competes , nor is rationality necessarily just a matter of self-interest .
26 The best that a practitioner can do is to have regard to the sort of multiplier which has in the past been adopted by judges in similar circumstances to those with which he is concerned .
27 By comparing growth in various conditions they can see the circumstances in which they grow , and those in which they do not .
28 Job demarcations were rare , and people at all levels were expected and encouraged to develop skills in areas other than those in which they were directly employed .
29 Some engineering companies had experienced a decline in demand for their traditional output and were moving into new areas which , if more buoyant , did not offer the same continuity as those in which they had previously operated .
30 This overlapping of styles is seen throughout the entire pre-war period , and since every phase contains the seeds for future developments , one is forced to take as focal points works in which discoveries or innovations are fully realized , rather than those in which they are first suggested .
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