Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [vb past] an " in BNC.

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1 At the SAD conference in Crieff in October 1986 on " Dementia : Planning Innovative Services in the Community " a debate developed between those who saw an overriding need to integrate dementia sufferers with the rest of their community , both at home and within the various services for elderly people and , on the other hand , those who saw a need to provide separate specialist services to cater for the special needs of dementia sufferers , which had been neglected in the past .
2 Those who saw an ‘ end of ideology ’ in this period were , in a limited sense , right .
3 On Sept. 3 Interior Minister Mohammed Hardi said in an interview with the daily El Watan that most detainees would be freed soon , and that the electoral process interrupted in January would be resumed if those who demanded an Islamic state would give up terrorism .
4 In fact a series of public opinion polls , conducted between February 1938 and January 1939 revealed that between 57 and 78 per cent of those who expressed an opinion favoured sympathy for the Republican government , and even a willingness to take action against Franco 's fascists .
5 Caution was therefore urged that the lowest subscription be kept around £10–15 , an acceptable rise to all those who expressed an opinion .
6 By contrast , nearly two-thirds of American users of fixed-sum instalment credit , at least where the original sum owed is over $200 , have bought insurance , generally paying extra — only a few consider the extra cost expensive , and the great majority of shoppers there ( 94 per cent of those who offered an opinion ) regard credit insurance as a good thing .
7 The great majority of those who took an active part in the work of the Association were natives of Lewis , and several of those who did not belong to the island were Gaelic-speakers from similar areas .
8 Those who took an interest in Clara might have seen in his death the loss of an ally , because outwardly at least he appeared to be more intelligent than his wife ; at least he did not scorn in public , as she did , all efforts of the mind , and all the aims of education .
9 A recent study of the use of a printed PRECIS ( PREserved Context Indexing System ) index for subject searching reveals that searchers who adopted a broad search formulation strategy where more successful than those who took an exact matching approach in accessing the index .
10 Pupils themselves disliked the way that they had previously been divided from one another ; and although there had been considerable advances made in the early 1980s in running joint CSE/GCE courses and examinations , these were patchy and voluntary , and unlikely to have been acceptable to the more academic of those who had an interest in the outcome of the examinations , especially the universities .
11 In the USSR as well as outside it there were those who had an interest in attacking the record of these years ; they included the ‘ spiritual heirs ’ of Menshevism , of Trotsky and of the kulaks .
12 Indeed , the reason for the greater frequency of chronic diarrhoea in this study in comparison with others in the United Kingdom , may be partly explained by the subgroups of children who had recently travelled abroad and those who had an itinerant existance .
13 For example , those who bought an air ticket to come to the seminar which proceeded this collection of articles were probably involved in creating several virtual documents as they discussed travel arrangements with their booking agent .
14 We could not identify all such workers as complete records have not survived and instead used the closest approximations possible — namely , records incorporating home address of all those ( more than 17000 ) attending the medical centre at the Sullom Voe oil terminal in Shetland during its construction phase ( believed to represent a high proportion of all but short stay workers ) ; 3500 construction workers at the Flotta oil terminal in Orkney ( incomplete data ) ; and more than 10000 offshore workers , being all those who obtained an offshore survival certificate ( required for such work ) in Scotland in the period from June 1976 ( the earliest date for which records have not been destroyed ) to 1980 .
15 Those who declared an average farm income of 20% or less obviously did not look on the off-farm job in this way .
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