Example sentences of "many of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Life without ‘ Geech ’ , as he is affectionately known , is incomprehensible to many of a squad who have risen to world prominence as a direct result of his guidance .
2 I spoke later to Jackie , lifeboat secretary , and asked him how many of a crew he had to call on at any time .
3 As with many of a band 's activities , the accountant will consider whether a separate limited liability company is required in order to act as a vehicle for the publishing royalties .
4 One case too many of a shopper suing after he tripped up in a supermarket is more likely to trigger reform than a hundred multimillion dollar claims against accountants .
5 How many of a set of points at which rainfall is measured lie within 50 km of Cambridge ( relative location ) or in the rectangle defined by the lines of latitude 55°N and 58°N and the lines of longitude 1°W and 3°W ( absolute location ) !
6 Many of the craft would have been lost and commandos were not hazarded in foolish risks , although often taking calculated chances .
7 MANY of the craft and training organisations only provide training for our indigenous industries .
8 Miriam , too , had a painful inflammation on her shoulder which she thought would turn into a boil ; indeed , so many of the garrison now suffered from them that Louise had ceased to feel ashamed .
9 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
10 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
11 Many of the water companies are now considering installing meters so that they can charge us for the amount of water we have actually used .
12 Carole Meadows was charming and welcoming , and within five minutes of their arrival Laura could feel many of the day 's traumas slipping off her tired shoulders .
13 Many of the day 's activities took place indoors to escape the heavy rain .
14 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
15 Many of the colour differences among papers are very subtle ; although you can detect them with your eye , they are perhaps too subtle to be translated into the four colour printing process used in magazine productions .
16 As a result , farming interests now dominate many of the park committees and there must be doubt as to whether they are able to give proper consideration and weight to the park purposes when agricultural applications are being considered .
17 That balance is biased to the degree that an unknowing observer might well conclude that it was not conservation nor recreation but agriculture that was the primary concern of many of the park committees .
18 Doing that , it would be difficult to ignore the recent double step backwards which has left the farming interests dominant on many of the park committees .
19 The usurpation of 1483 happened so quickly that many of the duchy servants were presented with a fait accompli , whereupon as usual they backed the crown ( which now happened to be worn by their erstwhile chief steward ) .
20 The usurpation of 1483 happened so quickly that many of the duchy servants were presented with a fait accompli , whereupon as usual they backed the crown ( which now happened to be worn by their erstwhile chief steward ) .
21 Into this focus , in many of the pit villages , came new groups , formed by the local women .
22 And radiation , like many of the drug treatments used for cancer , can cause side-effects that are almost as unpleasant as the disease itself .
23 Many of the wood carving subjects were taken from book illustrations , particularly after the invention of printing , when books illustrated with woodcuts found quite a large circulation .
24 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
25 If the mother learns how to gain positive interaction from her child during shopping many of the behaviour problems will resolve immediately .
26 Farmers were deprived of arms and many of the warrior class were removed from direct contact with the land and brought into the castle towns as an urban ruling class with no independent power base .
27 Many of the fodder crops are sold to the hill farmers and some are used to fatten the lambs .
28 Sir Anthony Meyer 's self-destructive challenge to the leadership of Margaret Thatcher cost him the support of his constituency party early in 1990 , but , like Sir Ian Gilmour , he was merely symptomatic of a cast of mind common to many of the baronetcy .
29 For many of the owl species the variation is less , for example the barn owl sample range is 95–100 per cent , with a mean of 99 per cent , and similar levels of difference hold for the other bones and parts of bones .
30 For ‘ nightlife ’ in many of the hostess clubs in the Suzie Wong district , read ‘ rip-off ’ .
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