Example sentences of "years he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The seventy five year old bachelor had finally got his girl at the second time of asking years He 'd waited half a century for this kiss with his new bride Rose , and he still could n't believe his luck .
2 There was something unique about a hospital over the Christmas period , and most years he 'd made a point of working for as much of it as he could .
3 For nearly fifty years he 'd worked with the New York Philharmonic , the orchestra 's manager , Nick Webster , was one of the first to pay tribute to his talent at America 's best known classical musician .
4 He flattered himself that he was in some small part responsible for such blissful bizarrities , given that over the years he 'd brought all manner of influences through from the Succulent Rock .
5 Within ten years he had conquered the other tribes along the Mad Dog Pass and subjugated the Night Goblin tribes that lived around and under Thunder Mountain .
6 Within three years he had emigrated to the United States .
7 Over the years he had become as used to the rocking and swaying of a train as an experienced sailor is to the pitching and rolling of a ship .
8 Within three years he had become the most successful muslin manufacturer in Britain .
9 From then on his rise was rapid and within three years he had become the supreme influence at Edward 's court .
10 There had been a period when he allowed Barbara Castle , Dick Crossman and George Wigg , all of whom suffered from the belief that politics was a conspiracy , to influence him too much , but in later years he had broken free from them and I suddenly realised how much I had got used to him being there to shoulder the final responsibility , to feeling able to turn to him naturally for a second opinion and for well-informed advice .
11 These past three years he had grown sullen and morose , keeping himself at a distance , always watching her , silently blaming her for Maisie 's tragic death .
12 In recent years he had stayed only a day or two , until , overcome with boredom , he had returned home to watch Mrs Thatcher 's Leader 's speech on the telly .
13 For six years he had remained current by flying a dozen hours a year , mainly on Cessna 150s ; then between 1986 and 1989 he flew only six hours , with his last recorded solo flight in August 1987 and last dual in August 1989 .
14 After three years he had saved up enough money to travel to Melbourne where he stayed with his uncle .
15 For years he had preached it , he had believed it intellectually , but never had it become personal to him .
16 Even as a boy Haile Selassie had believed in his imperial destiny ; for nearly twenty years he had survived conspiracies , wars and revolutions , and his resolution had never faltered .
17 In the last six years he had seen her occasionally — in the street , at the Ritz ( Plumford 's only cinema , which was known locally as the Fleapit ) and once at a party .
18 Physical fear was somewhere in his emotional vocabulary but over the years he had mislaid its meaning .
19 After years he had lost his oldest and best friend but in a way he had always despised friendship ; families were what mattered , more particularly that larger version of himself — his family ; and while seated in the same scheming fury he saw each individual member gradually slipping away out of his reach .
20 For some years he had made a practice of writing to government departments about the grievances of seamen , addressing these also to prominent persons and sending copies to the press .
21 In recent years he had made a point of appeasing the fundamentalists at the same time as co-opting left-wing opposition .
22 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
23 He had carried the day , of course , for although in fourteen years he had made himself supreme King in Alba , he was born to the north , and from Moray to the northernmost island of Orkney he was the leader men trusted and knew .
24 But Graham Robertson , McKenzie 's counsel , told the court yesterday that the report emphasised that his client came from a stable background in the west of Scotland and had felt lonely for the two years he had lived in Dunbar .
25 For ten years he had lived this lonely life , his heart full of sadness and his head full of dark dreams .
26 For the next four years he had lived in his private hell , and his silence had condemned her to live in it with him .
27 Bartram 's Observations on the Inhabitants , Climate , Soil , River , Production : from Pennsylvania to Onodaga , Oswego and the Lake Ontario had been published in London ( 1751 ) , and for the past twenty years he had dispatched his boxes of seeds and plants to be disseminated amongst owners of noteworthy gardens who acknowledged his industry .
28 Merceron 's political career began in 1787 , and within a few years he had became a vestryman , a tax commissioner , and a justice of the peace .
29 In five years he had turned a struggling side into formidable Championship contenders capable of springing surprises on League giants in the Cup .
30 He said that in the last two years he had met very few institutions which had not cut back their system budgets following the 1987 crash in share prices in the stock market .
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