Example sentences of "years [conj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 And did you find that the text book they had to use , changed through the years or just the
2 It was made clear in a further policy statement that in those cases where the tariff was 20 years or more the reference to the local review committee would be made after 17 years had been served , though a warning was given that this did not imply that any particular period had been set for the prisoner 's tariff .
3 On passing a sentence of imprisonment of two years or less the Act empowered a court to suspend the sentence by ordering that it should not take effect unless during a specified period the offender committed another offence punishable by imprisonment .
4 FOR THE last 10 years or so the British insurance community has attracted an enormous amount of takeover activity .
5 Although the number of species may have been at least approximately the same in marine environments for the last 300 million years or so the kinds of fossils have changed repeatedly , so that , for example , in marine limestones of Silurian age the shelled brachiopods may number dozens of species , whereas in similar looking limestones of Eocene age no brachiopods at all can be found , but there may be as many species of gastropods of kinds unknown in Silurian rocks .
6 For the last twenty years or so the State has pursued a ‘ large is beautiful ’ policy but this has now been replaced by an ideology in favour of the small .
7 Over the last twenty years or so the regulating authorities of several States have recognised that there can be significant value in recording , and preferably investigating , the cause of near accidents .
8 They also point out that during the past five years or so the proportion of part-time students has remained roughly constant at about one-third of the total .
9 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
10 When the Prince moved to a small lodge on the edge of the Steine in the 1780s fashion followed , and Brighton over the next fifty years provided perhaps the ultimate example of the marked contrast between attempts at a classical social order and a barely restrained chaos whose uneasy juxtaposition opened wider chasms in late Georgian society .
11 As for our music sessions and lessons , they went on intermittently for several years until eventually the drums were abandoned , put away for the sake of both higher education and marriage .
12 You lay the Axminster carpet on top of the cable , trampling all over it , over a number of years and again the old thing happens , it wears down the outer protective cabling , it breaks down the insulation and then you get a fire situation burning away , smouldering away underneath your carpet because while ever your er electrical appliance is switched on heat is being generated .
13 in the past 12 years and also the whole issue of the quality of the education service provided .
14 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
15 For two thousand years and more the branch of philosophy known as metaphysics had dealt with arguments and proofs about the existence and nature of God , his relation to the world and human beings , and such related matters as human freedom and life beyond death .
16 Mr Winchester , a Mac-fan of many years and now the boss of a Mac-using electronic-publishing company , has an ingenious explanation : unlike the clumsy MS-DOS operating system that powers IBM computers and all their clones , the Mac can cope with comparative ease with the pictographic scripts and unusual phonetic alphabets of Asia .
17 Instead we 've had limp-wristed pardoners , a well paid return after a couple of years and now the insult of Johnson being only 10 and a bit seconds from another Olympic final .
18 Yesterday , two Norfolk men who kidnapped a prime suspect and took him for a ride were sent to prison for five years and apparently the suspect did not even get a police caution .
19 For adult offenders the picture showed little change from previous years and indeed the number of sentenced adult male prisoners had increased .
20 Ernst and Young has cut its annual graduate recruitment by 110 to 540 over the last two years but generally the big firms , some with workforces of over 7,000 , have been slow to react to the downturn .
21 They moved to scenic Greencastle on the southern tip of Co Down in recent years but now the ‘ adopted ’ locals are dreading the possibility of the ferry which will operate from Greencastle to Greenore on the other side of Carlingford Lough .
22 Reports say they will bid £8 million to buy out Swales , chairman for 20 years but now the subject of a concerted hate campaign by supporters following the sacking of manager Peter Reid .
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