Example sentences of "years [prep] the second " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter Bobby Locke of South Africa and Peter Thomson of Australia dominated the British professional game alongside American entrants for the Open for twenty years after the Second World War .
2 Hartwell devoted his brilliant mind and untiring energy in those years after the second world war to forging links between Christians in his adopted country and that of his birth .
3 Hartwell devoted his brilliant mind and untiring energy in those years after the second world war to forging links between Christians in his adopted country and that of his birth .
4 With the advent of agricultural owner-occupancy in the years after the Second World War and the departure of the landlords or their factors , their authority no longer had to be sought .
5 Phil Richardson , who died at King 's Norton , Birmingham on April 18 , aged 64 , was a stalwart of Moseley Ashfield for more than 25 years after the Second World War .
6 Twenty-five years after the second of his two consecutive Super Bowl triumphs , a new picture is being painted on the banks of Lake Michigan .
7 The first wave of closures did not come until between 15 and 20 years after the Second World War .
8 By the 1920s and 1930s , not to mention the years after the Second World War , the women formed an ageing group of unmarried women and widows , once more having little in common with the men at work , who by now would be younger and probably married .
9 The closest moral and practical precedent for what is needed is the Marshall Plan by which the US helped to restore Europe in the years after the Second World War .
10 This will include references to the post-1868 period but the main body of the study will be concentrated on the years after the Second World War .
11 For at least twenty years after the Second World War most people supported the welfare state but since then it has come under attack from all sides .
12 In the first 25 years after the Second World War the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic theory and policy came to dominate academic and governmental thinking in most Western economies .
13 lets face it , if , if Russia had wanted to declare war , to , declared war on us , sort of right ten years after the second World War had finished , and that would of been it , Europe would of been out
14 During five years of the second LBGA ( 1983–8 ) with the Soviet Union , the United States sold its rival grain worth $7 billion and during two of those years — 1986 and 1987 — subsidized the sales to the tune of $450 million .
15 From the middle years of the second century the converts included some philosophically trained minds , at least the equal of most pagan contemporaries .
16 Britain was still recovering from the long hard years of the second World War and the population had long felt the pinch of rationing and having to make do .
17 The old dictum ‘ might is right ’ which had typified the early years of the second millennium , was transformed to ‘ might for right ’ .
18 In the succeeding years of the first scheme , and in all the years of the second , cII is necessarily smaller than , and greater than .
19 We are concerned here with the more recent debates that have used the inner city as a central organising theme , debates that have grown out of the economic boom years of the second half of the 1980s in many of the richest economies in the world .
20 The Old Mill , at the west end of the village , was still operative until the early years of the Second World War , and the New Mill at the east end , which lost its sails in a gale so severe that parts of them were found in the next village , has been restored in recent years and is now a very attractive dwelling .
21 His secrecy abut his own generosity makes it very difficult to document in full ; certainly , during the years of the Second World War , he gave money to Dylan Thomas and Roy Campbell , but many other such instances may have gone unrecorded .
22 By the late 1930s , the position had improved somewhat , but unemployment soared again during the first two years of the Second World War , when about a quarter of the membership found itself unemployed.29 For these single women in their 40s and 50s , it was not immediately easy to find war work , for instance in munitions factories , nor were they necessarily eager to do so .
23 Gillray discovered the limits of his anti-royalism after the French Revolution and the Mass Observation respondents discovered the limits of their royalism in the early years of the Second World War .
24 I have already mentioned that the decisive electoral victory for the Labour Party in 1945 reflected a substantial shift of political and ideological alignment in the later years of the second world war , a radicalisation of which Calder ( 1969 ) gives an eloquent account .
25 It was obviously written as encouragement to the soldiers and families separated during the long years of the Second World War , but it seemed to express the yearning that so many young men must have felt when they were far from their families , desolate and frightened :
26 After six years of the second world war and 45 years of the cold war , the taxpayer is entitled to a peace dividend .
27 Singapore fell to the Japanese 50 years ago this year , three years into the second world war .
28 These rates of increase are in stark contrast to the boom years in the second half of the 1980s when annual increases of 20% to 25% were common .
29 A committed member of the circle of reformers which centred on the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , he spent four years in the second half of the 1850s investigating the financial procedures of various west European countries and the United States .
30 Where do we start when it comes to some of our not so good years in the second division .
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