Example sentences of "years [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 Charles 's claim to be a martyr must largely depend on what ensued in the period of two and a half years between the end of the First Civil War and his execution .
2 It is necessary then to consider in turn the war , the effects of coalitionism , and the years between the end of coalition and the party recovery in 1924 .
3 The longest period of peace was the twenty-six years between the end of the War of Spanish Succession in 1713 and the outbreak of that of the Austrian Succession in 1739 .
4 You should keep all your P11 forms and pay records for at least 3 years after the end of the tax year to which they relate , or longer if the Inland Revenue asks you to .
5 Copyright exists in a musical work until fifty years after the end of the year in which the songwriter dies .
6 A window over the deep pot sink looked out on the upper par of the yard , its panes of dusty glass still criss-crossed with scraps of air-raid tape several years after the end of the war .
7 And in the years after the end of the 1939–45 war there was such a spate of generals ' diaries that it at times seemed difficult to understand how these men had time for the job in hand , so busy were they with their diaries .
8 A claim to carry back ACT must be made within two years after the end of the accounting period in which the surplus arose .
9 That had been in May 1970 , almost six years after the end of Emor .
10 ‘ ( 1 ) If any person who has paid tax charged under an assessment alleges that the assessment was excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return , he may by notice in writing at any time not later than six years after the end of the year of assessment ( or , if the assessment is to corporation tax , the end of the accounting period ) in which the assessment was made , make a claim to the Board for relief .
11 ‘ He died a couple of years after the end of the project . ’
12 It shows a corner of my native city some years after the end of the last war .
13 Ten years after the end of Rhodesia , business magazines call Zimbabwe ‘ Independent Africa 's brightest hope ’ .
14 A few years after the end of our period ( 1887 ) the German professor Ferdinand Toennies formulated the distinction between Gemeinschaft ( community ) and Gesellschaft ( a society of individuals ) , two twins now familiar to every student of sociology .
15 In Technograph Printed Circuits Ltd v Chalwyn Ltd [ 1967 ] RPC 339 a restrictive covenant prevented the employee for a period of two years after the end of his employment from being associated with any company in the UK concerned with manufacture of " printed electrical circuits " .
16 Eight years after the end of the war Britain experienced its only general strike , in defence of the miners .
17 Twenty-one years after the end of the First World War the British people were subjected to a second war , which , while it produced only half as many British military casualties as the first , struck more radically at the lives of ordinary civilians .
18 A claim to surrender ACT may be made within six years of the end of the accounting period to which it relates , and requires the consent of the subsidiaries concerned .
19 It is rare for any substantial report to be published within less than two years of the end of the data-collection phase , and it is very often a great deal longer than this .
20 But within a few years of the end of the war , responsibility for trunk roads , gas , electricity , national assistance and hospital services had been transferred from local to central government control .
21 A few snicks have evaded the proof-reader 's gloves ; it is Arnold not Arthur Long and the Gunn who figured in Nottinghamshire 's glory years towards the end of last century was not George but uncle William .
22 He was formerly Director of Consumer Affairs at the Office of Fair Trading and for nine years until the end of 1986 he was Director of the National Consumer Council .
23 During the two years from the end of 1976 to the end of 1978 , Deng became an increasingly popular candidate for Party leadership as support for Hua Guofeng evaporated .
24 Copyright in a work lasts for fifty years from the end of the calendar year in which its author or composer dies .
25 In sound recordings copyright exists until fifty years from the end of the calendar year in which the recording was made .
26 For example in a database containing the full text of literary works , each work will be protected in its own right and the duration of protection for that work will be based on the life of the author plus fifty years , or in the case of an Act of Parliament ( subject to Crown Copyright ) 125 years from the end of the calendar year during which it was created , and not from the time it was entered into the database .
27 Because a company can be an author of a computer-generated work , there has to be a special rule for determining the duration of copyright in such works and the copyright expires at the end of the period of 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made ( section 12(3) ) .
28 Design right lasts for 15 years from the end of the calendar year in which it was first recorded in a design document ( which includes storage in a computer ) or an article was made to the design , unless articles have been made available for sale or hire within the first five years in which case the right lasts only a further 10 years .
29 Normally , by section 216 of the 1988 Act , the right endures for 10 years from the end of the year in which it was first commercially exploited ( anywhere in the world ) .
30 There are special rules in relation to future interests ( s. 15(2) and Schedule 1 ) , the Crown or spiritual corporations ( 30 years , Schedule 1 ) and children or people of unsound mind ( six years from the end of the disability to a maximum of 30 years : s. 28 ) .
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