Example sentences of "going out with [art] " in BNC.

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1 After we split up he started going out with a woman who wanted to go out on the town every night — like him . ’
2 Here I am eighteen years old , and in a great state of elation because I was going out with a boy .
3 Such untimely celebrity death provides our nice clean ending and saves us having to contend with the natural processes of ageing and decay , for some reason considered more horrific and obscene than going out with a bang .
4 He was going out with a silly cow of an art student and she lent him the book .
5 Nevil Sanderson going out with a female Tory , ye Gods and little fishes ! ’
6 Nell McCafferty , the Derry-born writer and civil rights activist , poignantly remembered family prayers from the 1950s : ‘ God send John a job ; God send Jackie and Rosaleen a house ; Holy Mother of God look down on Peggy in America and Leo in England ; Jesus and His Blessed Mother protect Mary that 's going out with a sailor . '
7 When she was nineteen she had been going out with a steady boyfriend for three years , and they had decided to get married .
8 She was going out with a friend of mine , but she came on so strong that she frightened him off .
9 My mother says he did n't train enough because he was going out with a girl called Ticky Hinton .
10 Are they going out with a friend you feel you can trust ?
11 I 've been going out with a bloke for about ten years , but I would n't marry him — I 'd have to be in to make his tea !
12 Course I di I did n't get to know much else but it was obvious you see , she 'd been going out with a young man , her husband was in the Forces and er she 'd tried to get rid of it .
13 I nodded to her and to Aline , who was Franco-Vietnamese and engaged to Hugh Watt , one of Ashley 's multitudinous cousins from the branch of the family that seemed to favour consorts of an exotic provenance ( Hugh 's brother Craig was going out with a stunning , lanky Nigerian called Noor ) .
14 No way was I going out with a Famlio ship in my flight path .
15 What was she doing , anyway , going out with a man she did n't know the first thing about ?
16 That is to be increased and perhaps there should be an increase in the sentence for hardened criminals going out with a criminal purpose and carrying a knife .
17 Going out with a man who , according to Dawn , was using her in order to achieve his own ends .
18 Trouble from racists who objected to a white woman going out with a black man .
19 But I 'm not going out with a bloody cold like this !
20 He packs his girlfriend in then went with Jane , but he was still going out with a girlfriend if you know what I mean .
21 Joan 's just rung see they come over for , all of them come over for dinner every Sunday , and er Joan 's er Andrea 's going out with a crowd of them today she 's in with a nice girl a girl er married and the husband , he 's treats Andrea as if it 's a baby sister , so he 's more or less looking after her which is Joan 's very pleased about
22 Some girl 's going out with a boy , he zipped her tent up over them and she was so shocked she pulled her trousers down by accident .
23 Alright , he 's going out with a girl called Laura , he 's coming onto her sister but he thinks he 's in love with Sally .
24 She 's going out with a nineteen year old !
25 Wholesale changes took place within the management and trade union organisations , with the good going out with the bad .
26 Going out with the carer
27 When we do find one , it takes me and my tech about a month to get it into shape for going out with the band . ’
28 I expect you remember the lovely lake at the end of our road , and the rides in the sampan , or going out with the Moothams when Maria used to say , at the end of an excursion , ‘ Rachel never stops talking ! ’
29 He started going out with the girl who introduced him to drugs in the early 1980s .
30 Nonetheless , I started going out with the Thai development workers , to visit villages and meet the people I would be working with for the next two years .
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