Example sentences of "going up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When you c when you 're going up the hills , they 're long gradients , you 're not really aware of them .
2 but we thought well we 're going up the grave and it 's not exactly out the way so we thought we 'd pop in .
3 I just make them see the colour going up the stem of a plant .
4 ‘ Hey , you boys , you going up The Greencroft ? ’
5 I 'm just seeing if the water 's going up the drains .
6 As long as you 're not going up the village
7 But so clearly visible and definitely new since the previous evening was a set of footprints , and looking around , a set of tracks , small hob-nailed boot tracks going up the staircase to the top and not coming down .
8 Oh they were just all that kind all those working kind of folks going up the glen .
9 I borrowed fifty P off her the oth , I was going up the school , and I only had four fifty for the I needed fifty P but I did n't have enough change like .
10 This evening seems to be going up the spout .
11 That 's why these computerized route-finders are going up the spout and taking the Glories towards Monument Hill .
12 I do n't know much about most things , but I do know whether people will be going up the Alps or not . ’
13 Clematis are going up the sticks now !
14 I recall one man in the dale saying that he passed Sleetburn going up the fell to shepherd at 10 a.m. one day and heard Sam and Mother playing .
15 Yes , I must admit I had one or two people going up the loo and looking , I mean people stop and look when we first had all the stuff outside , you know , what you doing in there ?
16 ‘ Just as well , 'cos I ai n't going up the Palais . ’
17 This perfect little mountain may only be just over 2,000 feet in height , but going up the south face , in my state of physical unfitness , you really know that you have had a climb , and regret all the long , glass-happy evenings of days past .
18 There are tantalising descriptions of buildings now demolished — ‘ a wonderful high ceiling in the banking hall going up the equivalent of two storeys ’ — plus accounts of lunchtimes and commuting .
19 And instead of going up the jetty they went down and they were going to go right back to Rousay again .
20 So therefore you got motorbikes going up the ramps , which were n't designed for that .
21 I worked it out , from things Barbara Coleman told me , and I hitched a lift in a car going up the valley and walked the last mile or two .
22 He was going to put the medals back in his drawer and listen out of the window for Lee going up the field , listen for the sheep .
23 Going up the seminary hill to his Residence-I do n't think one would be justified in calling it a palace , gracious old house that it was — I felt giddy .
24 I 'm going up the garage anyway , alright ?
25 well I have er been in the garden , going up the garden
26 and he 's now going up the point of the house but he ca n't get no further .
27 For one thing , ICI now scrubs the wastes clean and makes money on the products and has also made good use of heat previously going up the chimney stacks .
28 It 's going up the chimney .
29 I 'm glad I , I 'm not going up the chimney !
30 Going up the shop .
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