Example sentences of "going on in the " in BNC.

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1 So Libet 's experiments tell us something interesting about the information processing going on in the subject 's brain but they tell us nothing about the temporal relationship between physical events — either inside or outside the brain — and conscious experiences .
2 What is controversial about functionalism is its claim that we are going to be able to make significant generalizations about behaviour only if we think about what is going on in the brain at a particular level of description .
3 I have no quarrel with Searle 's claim that ‘ mental phenomena are caused by processes going on in the brain ’ .
4 It is a sort of cultural conflict which must have been going on in the husband 's mind .
5 Ken Pitt : ‘ I think the great problem was David was always very insecure and because he was n't achieving the renown he wanted , like most artists he began to worry , bearing in mind that David was now living at Haddon Hall with a few of his friends , all of whom were unaware of what was going on in the office and how we were planning David 's career , what progress we were really making .
6 For the best part of an hour he exposed what was really going on in the international motor industry .
7 He 'd seen a bit of that kind of thing going on in the last hospital he was in .
8 Tractor development is n't just going on in the west either .
9 ‘ He just stood there in a cloud of smoke , ’ recalls one of the people first through the door after him , ‘ while they effed and blinded at him and told him what they thought of what had been going on in the hall .
10 ‘ During the campaign I never watched telly or saw my family and I never really knew what was going on in the election , ’ said his brother Andrew , 26 .
11 It seems that Jesus himself organised this last journey , from the borrowing of a donkey and its foal to the challenging protest against what was going on in the Temple courts .
12 She could imagine what was going on in the lugubrious depths of Baikal .
13 Since there were 15 strategies , there were 15 x 15 , or 225 separate games going on in the computer .
14 They did n't seem to be very bothered about issues other than what was going on in the village itself .
15 Work is going on in the Beaufort Sea on the West Coast and also off the East Coast where a significant discovery — Hibernia — has led to disagreement and a legal dispute between the federal government and the province of Newfoundland concerning sovereignty over offshore fuels .
16 In the context of these questions , what is it in the brief history of White Western feminist criticism and theory that seems at odds with what is going on in the rest of the world ?
17 Mutuality is at the heart of the Godhead , ‘ the divine litany , the Father to Son to Spirit communication that is going on in the life of God himself . ’
18 This fight was going on in the middle of the road .
19 The MPs hope that talks now going on in the City between consultants and finance houses might help to raise cash — but at least one MP , Labour 's energy guru , Arthur Palmer , is not optimistic .
20 Nature , produced by Robin Hellier , has a lot of pace as did Horizon 's The Geneva event ( BBC2 , 24 January ) What the latter did not have was much patience with the aspirant but relatively unlearned student of what is going on in the world of high energy physics The main Geneva event — the identification of the W subatomic particle which , with the Z , will enable the theory that the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified within a single framework to be sustained — has yet to be announced , though it is believed imminent Horizon had been patiently filming for four years .
21 I do n't believe that the method of selling cars with huge discounts that has been going on in the US for some time is good for the companies , and I also do n't think long term it 's good for the industrial base of the country and therefore ultimately for the customer .
22 She may perhaps have felt a little out of place but she articulates a rare understanding of what was going on in the place , all underpinned by an almost total recall of the fascinating minutiae of day-to-day events .
23 ‘ You should see the party going on in the forward dome car .
24 Evidence that oathing was going on in the reserve was at first dismissed with the claim that the Masai involved were ‘ half-and-halfs ’ , that is , the offspring of a Masai father and a Kikuyu mother : the loyalty of the ‘ pure Masai ’ was thought to be beyond question .
25 ‘ We 're appalled by what 's going on in the charts at the moment .
26 So what is going on in the world of higher education today ?
27 ‘ In the end I could n't bear to be anywhere else , ’ she said , and added that if such practices had been going on in the islands as were alleged , everyone would have known about them .
28 WHAT is going on in the car industry ?
29 These could show some activity going on in the garden — someone weeding a flowerbed , say , or children playing in the sand-pit .
30 What was going on in the castle they could only guess at .
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