Example sentences of "going for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it was not possible to get your views in , as it were , personnel terms rather than financial terms on that er report , but er as it were on your behalf , we supported the Treasurer 's er recommendation for reasons set out in paragraph one four , and if I can er explain that for you a little little more , de-regulation could mean , that each employing authority has it 's own scheme of superannuation , or not , and if not would simply leave employees in a position of taking them off the state scheme S E R P S or going for a personal pension .
2 Going for a mere $50m , the Empire State Building is up for sale .
3 Do n't mess about with fireworks and always let an adult light them if you 're going for a small family display .
4 That 'll keep her going for a wee while .
5 Th keep that going for a wee while again .
6 There we are , that 'll keep you going for a wee while longer James .
7 but the majority of people on a Tuesday night are going for a leisurely swim are n't they ?
8 Seems a when you 're going for a bloody job !
9 So I think there is a case for going for a fixed-rate .
10 Going for a triple A.
11 His decision to take a year off from international rugby has left selectors with the difficult choice of going for a short-term replacement or of opting for long-term continuity .
12 Time will tell whether collecting the alpine 4000ers will become as popular as Munro bagging , but for a real challenge , how about going for a complete set of 150 peaks and 4000m tops !
13 Try drinking lots of water instead : not eating at all for a day to clear out the system ( unless you are a diabetic or have some other dietary problem ) ; having a warm bath and a nap ; going for a long walk .
14 When they had eaten their meal of wheat ro is and milk they kept the fire going for a long time .
15 Going for a long walk in the country on a Sunday afternoon when you 've got a lot of marking still to do , or having an affair with a colleague — they could go either way .
16 I knew players like the incomparable Joe Davis and I doubt if he did any more training than is entailed in going for a long walk .
17 Well were going for a long weekend , like the Bank Holiday weekend .
18 Young Mr Nilsen is in fact going for a 14-day trial at Sheff Utd right after Norway 's match tomorrow .
19 LINFORD CHRISTIE is going for a golden Grand Slam in a bid to rival Carl Lewis as the greatest sprinter on earth .
20 If this is not possible , your parent might be willing to consider going for a temporary period into one of the short-term homes for the elderly known to the National Council for the Single Woman and her Dependants , or into a home for the elderly run by the social services department of the local authority , while you are away .
21 Then she realized she did n't have to pretend to be anyone going anywhere when she already was herself going for a real drive in a car with two dogs beside her and fresh flowers behind .
22 However , it is still difficult to imagine the slim person going for a real blow-out , or having dinner , going to the pub , then calling into an Indian Restaurant for a further meal before going home .
23 With food around , surfaces should bc as practical as possible : choose flooring which will not show crumbs and can be mopped up easily ; sideboards should bc provided with protective covers if they are not heatproof ; traditional polished tables might look good , but with children around , you may be better off going for a heatproof , scrubbable surface which can be wiped over quickly ; upholstery should be washable ; wallpaper need not be as tough as the vinyl-coated varieties .
24 Personally , from a personal view during those years I was erm going for a neutral stance on the conflict because it did n't help any cause and it only hurt and harmed the peoples of both Iraq and Iran .
25 Whether they were going for a new place , or staying , the hired hands were all given the day off to attend the Hirings .
26 In theory it 's a lovely idea , a whole day just relaxing and listening to God etc , but actually Dad was rather ‘ down ’ this morning before they left — I think he was worried he 'd have more of the Virgin Mary rammed down his throat , and , quite frankly , would rather be playing golf with Mark , or going for a gentle walk with all of us .
27 She will also be going for a different image .
28 if you 're going for a big
29 ‘ We will be going for a named manager with the right type of experience .
30 This weekend , Nicol , who also won the Scottish National title last month , will be going for a Scottish hat-trick when he lines-up as top seed in the North of Scotland Open , sponsored by Stewart Milne Construction , at his home Aberdeen Club .
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