Example sentences of "going [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
2 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
3 It all became a kind of tribute to the Falklands which was going on at the time of writing .
4 There 's a lot of shelling and mortaring going on at the other end of the village . ’
5 One of the most productive nurseries in the world , the Yorkshire League , has become almost barren and the time has come to pluck from another , rich in blossoms — Shivaji Park , Bombay , where you can stand on the roof-top of the small pavilion and watch 15 games going on at the same time .
6 But in these cases it is necessary to know what was really going on at the time .
7 The trend in a number of large corporate structures to remove layers of management to allow better communication and a clearer view of what is actually going on at the productive base is recognition that clear , unambiguous communication is a further mainspring in developing an organisation .
8 One such exercise is going on at the Building Research Establishment .
9 To omit this background is rather like accusing the RAF of bombing innocent women and children in Berlin without mentioning that world war two was going on at the time .
10 Thus , for example , in order to understand what is going on at the local outside-level on Lewis , it is necessary to examine the structure of the oil industry as a whole .
11 Work at Liss pond , for instance , was going on at the moment to cut back overhanging trees which were starving the water of oxygen .
12 I do not believe in using the deep trance state in any form of therapy as it involves hypnoamnesia , a state in which the patient will neither be aware of what is going on at the time nor able to recall it afterwards .
13 ‘ They also expressed a lack of knowledge about what was going on at the time , and they blamed their mothers for that .
14 In a period of anxious entrail-gazing , practically anything that coincides with what post-hoc statistics show to have been going on at the time , will qualify for this accolade .
15 I have told them not to get involved in what 's going on at the club . ’
16 With so much going on at the office , it is a wonder that Mr Lawrence has much time left for anything else .
17 As newspapers claimed the princess was undertaking the visit against her will , a Palace spokesman said : ‘ We have no intention of dignifying any of this speculation going on at the moment by making any comment . ’
18 Yet conflict may be handled more effectively if what is going on within is taken into account as well as what is going on at the surface .
19 A strike has been going on at the mine for over three months and the nine who died were all non-union men .
20 After hearing so much about objects and Oracle Version 8.0 — object prototyping work has been going on at the firm since 1988 — at the moment it does n't look as though Oracle will create a separate object-oriented database product , although Oracle 's object guru , David Beech , believes it may eventually make marketing sense to do so .
21 I think from that report there was a there was a requirement or request that perhaps the theatre should actually have a public meeting to talk about which way the theatre was going what things were going on at the theatre and that 's what the meeting is for this evening .
22 The same person the same person all I 'm saying the reason that the meeting was convened this evening and the reason that Paul wants the meeting this evening was to get the views from the public about what they felt was going on at the playhouse and what they would like to see that is n't taken place I think that was the thing behind the meeting and that 's what we 'd like to see right okay . . .
23 She did n't know much about art before but there was an exhibition of my Old Masters going on at the Royal Academy and she saw that , and was very enthusiastic about it , especially the Holbein portrait of Henry VIII .
24 There was a lorr of it going on at the time , y'know .
25 This is very much in demand , with so many credit card thefts going on at the moment . "
26 ‘ And what if you live on the ground floor and you look up at what 's going on at the top ?
27 ‘ She 's not very forthcoming always about what 's going on at the back of her mind , ’ he said after a time in a soft voice to Jo-Ann , ‘ but I can generally tell something about it from the way she moves her toes .
28 1 What is going on at the beginning of the poem ? 2 What do you think has happened before the poem begins ? 3 Do you think the boys are afraid ?
29 His natural caution kept him on the political sidelines , although he was well placed to know what was going on at the highest level , as the ‘ Historia Roffensis ’ , written by a clerk in his entourage , demonstrates .
30 There 's a number-plate racket going on at the moment .
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