Example sentences of "going [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No one 's going to go up the mountains !
2 ‘ I said to him , ‘ But no one 's going to go up the mountains !
3 ‘ And then you said : ‘ But no one 's going to go up the mountains ! ’
4 What I 'm going to do is to examine now I 'm going to go up the collar bone first over the shoulder pad , T-shirt with a shoulder pad .
5 Hold on tight now — I 'm going to whip up the horse .
6 In a land where trendy cafés display neon signs reading SMACK BAR and SNATCH BAR , no one 's going to pick up the linguistic and social markers that pin the native Brit down like so many Lilliputian bonds .
7 Then say that you are going to pick up the cards in any order , which you do keeping the pairs together .
8 I knew at once that I was never , never going to pick up the pill .
9 I had no doubts that he was going to pick up the package .
10 Mierle Laderman Ukele proposed an exhibition about maintenance called Care in 1969 : ‘ After the revolution who 's going to pick up the garbage on Monday morning ? ’
11 Mr are you going to pick up the first point and then Mr .
12 So I 've got to ring Phil and see what time he 's going to pick up the freezer in the morning ?
13 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
14 ‘ The question of whether we 're going to clean up the environment of this country is long over , ’ he told a press conference .
15 When are you going to give up the life of a gypsy and settle down here to become eccentric and safe ? ’
16 They would be in favour of it if it could be worked out in a practical form : but it did not mean they were going to give up the freedom of the seas .
17 After that , nothing happened for hours till Gloria suddenly said , ‘ Listen , ducky , I 'm going to pop up the West End .
18 ‘ I 'm going to stoke up the fire and dry Beuno 's socks . ’
19 Nobody in Manchester is going to put up the rates for a power station in Corby . ’
20 After all , ’ she said simply , ‘ it 's all Stephen has , and he 's never going to excavate it , not really , nobody 's ever going to put up the money .
21 I 'm going to park up the top .
22 Miranda was just going to climb up the Magician 's leg , when she heard a deep voice say , ‘ What are you doing in Puddle Lane ?
23 Of course , insiders are well aware of the drama which surrounds interrogation and do not need to be reminded or really welcome such information being made public , for as a detective colleague pointed out after reading Irving 's paper , ‘ if we do n't use fear , force , fraud or the promise , how do they think we are going to clear up the crime and get the coughs the system needs to survive ? ’
24 I was going to phone up the A T S tyre people just to find out
25 Philip says oh yeah , here you go but he 's , on Monday he 's going to phone up the mobility people
26 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science , because if we carry on like the Tories are , Britain will be pushed down to the second or third division of industrial nations .
27 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science because if we carry on like the Tories are , our country is going to be shoved down to the second or third division of modern industrial nations ’ .
28 ‘ She was afraid of what he might do when she told him she was n't going to keep up the pretence any longer and everything she did in future was to be sold as her own work . ’
29 If you 're going to keep up the same pattern of commitments the answer is that the army is already stretched as it clan be and so are the other two services and this is putting a terrific strain on the individual servicemen and their families .
30 ‘ We 're going to hang up the washing on the Siegfried Line … ’
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