Example sentences of "work [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Spicer and Pegler , now part of Touche Ross , has received a writ over its work as former auditor of Barlow Clowes .
2 He rang it again at seven o'clock at night to warn the gleaners that their work for that day must end .
3 It 's especially valuable to get comments on the modules which are in the Programme of Work for that year or the coming year because then we can feed comments from practitioners straight to the Module Development Group .
4 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
5 In twelve-furrow work , or any narrow-stetch work for that matter , It was important that all the brews lay in one direction .
6 Based on reported progress and remaining work for each assignment the program will forecast cost and work to complete project .
7 The clerk therefore has some control over the flow of work for each barrister in the chambers .
8 The goal of this is to stop needless generation of very large quantities of approval work for each approval attempt .
9 Involvement with London Underground in this sort of commission is a major piece of work for any artist .
10 A solicitor employed by a non-lawyer may not carry out professional work for any person other than his employer ( ie working directly with the employer 's clients is not permitted ) but may act for a company or other organisation controlled by the employer or over which the employer has substantial control or for a company in the same group as the employer or which controls the employer .
11 When Mammon leads the blind into decisions that are governed by ignorance , vanity , nepotism and even political discretion , no artist submitting work for any prize should be cast down by failure ; no artist with any self respect should be elated by success .
12 It is a valuable source of work for any practice and with statistics telling us that 80 per cent of people entitled to claim do not do so , there must be every possibility of expanding this area of work .
13 To relieve you of any worries you may have about your monthly repayments if you are unfortunate enough to be off work for any length of time , or if you die unexpectedly , we have a comprehensive insurance Protection Plan .
14 If you are unable to attend for work for any reason , you must ensure that your immediate Manager is informed before 10 am on the first day of absence so that arrangements can be made to deal with your work .
15 Since the precise criteria of synonymy can not be defined , it is argued , there can be no useful work for this concept to do ; unless one thinks of synonymy merely as one of " degree " .
16 Have you have you done any work for this company ?
17 Are there any similar developments in the Programme of Work for this session which you can expect to see in the Catalogue for 1989/90 ?
18 I would to , just make the point that the royal family do , do a lot of work for this country .
19 Father Sophrony says of his ministry as spiritual director , ‘ the way is to pray every day with a flaming heart ‘ Do not permit me to be wrong in my work for this service transcends my capacity . ’
20 Database work for this thesis was then completed using Microsoft Works on an IBM PS/2 , re-keyboarding the existing data .
21 That completes the work for this month .
22 Most of his work for this period was published in Poems In Two Volumes ( 1807 ) ; many important poems , such as Resolution and Independence and the Immortality Ode , which were included in these volumes , have received a good deal of critical attention elsewhere .
23 The work for this group had been arranged on a large but highly specialised farm , which concentrated on growing bulbs , flowers and potatoes .
24 Martin and Roberts ( 1984 ) show that , among women whose first child was born between 1970 and 1974 , 51 per cent had returned to paid employment within 5 years , and that the median period before return to work for this group was 4.8 years .
25 Privatization for our members has meant more work for less pay with less people and with less time to complete the work .
26 We do not need to wait for new efficient technology : as Stewart Boyle described in ‘ More work for less energy ’ ( New Scientist , 5 August 1989 ) , the technology exists to take the first step towards the targets we have set to save energy and fossil fuel , and to cut back on carbon dioxide emissions .
27 Eliot had known Lawrence 's work for some time , but in 1931–2 he had grown particularly interested in that writer , whose ‘ travels to more primitive lands ’ and use of Mexican divinities in The Plumed Serpent were physical embodiment of Eliot 's anthropological reading and a likely reason for that title , After Strange Gods .
28 Women who have been away from work for some time and are seeking to re-start can take the first steps to a new career at a Women Returners Event to be held tomorrow in Middlesbrough town hall crypt .
29 Surely if you increase the fee from £200 to £600 you may severely suffer from overkill , as I have recently witnessed in my voluntary work for another organisation .
30 Once everybody else has gone off and done their bit , I 've either got a job I 'm in the middle of doing or I 'll plan some work for another time .
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