Example sentences of "too often [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marxists too often tend to take a cavalier attitude towards the findings of such polls — anything which people ought not to think , according to socialist ideology , is regarded as the product of ‘ media manipulation ’ and can not really be people 's own considered view .
2 Any present-day fan will be familiar with the Botham story , for it has been told too often to need repeating .
3 Science and technology all too often seemed to overtake the wildest fantasies of Utopian thinkers , plagues of infectious diseases were conquered , people flew not only into air but out into space and landed on the moon ; instant communications brought a " global village " and so on , yet all this progress of science and technology did not bring Utopia .
4 Dorigo had a great game , I thought , but all too often seemed to have been left in sole command of the entire left side of the pitch — every time he went forward alone , large gaps appeared behind him , and the gaps were frequently filled by the ball and Sunderland players .
5 There is easy access to the foot of one of the buttresses where the mammoth task of construction is better appreciated and the industry and enterprise of the builders more fully admired : these craftsmen of a past age here erected a work of art that has become their own memorial and puts to shame the undistinguished concrete structures favoured by the builders of today , builders who have the benefits of modern technology yet seem too often prepared to sacrifice character to utility .
6 I 've been advised to stay away from political jokes ( they too often get elected ) but in the UK , party workers say : ‘ If you put a monkey up for Parliament here and stuck a red ( or blue ) rosette on him , he 'd get in . ’
7 A feature of modern management of both wet gravel pits and reservoirs is to encourage leisure activities of various sorts , and landscaping ( which too often involves removing most of the marginal vegetation for tidiness ) .
8 Although his love and understanding of much pertinently observed detail , he too often fails to energise the drama at key points , with tempi that are distinctly on the slow side .
9 The unease of the Chancellor-democracy is not only a protest at the executive power of the head of the government , but is also a hidden criticism of the opposition , which all too often fails to offer an alternative . ’
10 As I say , it is the chorus which too often fails to rise to the occasion .
11 It does not mean — what it all too often has become — an aid to impulse buying , ‘ immediate ’ gardening , and the idea that ‘ if we lift them and pot them up instead of leaving them in the ground , we can sell them in a couple of weeks time as ‘ container grown ’ ’ .
12 Rudduck ( 1991:138 ) draws attention to the weakness of some private , classroom-focused styles of practitioner enquiry : " What it ignores are the wider social and political frameworks , beyond the classroom and the school , that shape the parameters of education in ways that teachers , with their eyes drawn to the minutiae of their own practice , too often fail to see .
13 It is the churches which have too often failed to live according to the model set for them by Christ .
14 In spite of all the powers with which he was armed , and routinely used for routine ends , it is clear that the Northern Nigerian Resident too often failed to use them for good : being , rather than doing , good came to define the limits of his aspirations .
15 Before looking at how , albeit unwittingly , orthodox Christianity has too often failed to appreciate the dramatic nature of the Great Battle , I want to add a footnote on myth , the gospel , and modern scholarship .
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