Example sentences of "too small [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This he blamed on a lack of enterprise : ‘ There is no continuity of effort among your producers , ’ he said , ‘ They work too hastily and in too small a way . ’
2 Perhaps it was too small a bed because it had to hold the ghosts of Mo Magill and Jenny Maxim 's dead wife as well .
3 If , however , a culture has not got beyond a point at which satisfaction of one portion of its participants depends upon the suppression of another , and perhaps , larger portion — and this is the case in all present-day cultures — it is understandable that the suppressed people should develop an intense hostility towards a culture whose existence they make possible by their work , but in whose wealth they have too small a share .
4 If one believes the prediction of the inflationary cosmology , that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value above which it recollapses , then there must also be unclustered dark matter as even the dark matter in galaxies and clusters has too small a density to account for this .
5 This was necessary , the government argued , because the local authorities were not effectively accountable to anyone for their spending , as their rate-payers formed too small a proportion of their electorate .
6 For the purposes of nutritional science , however , the calorie is too small a unit to be useful .
7 Once at the first theatre , Dinah dismissed it , and gave the man too small a tip , for the first time in her life ; he scowled and spat as he drove off , and this disconcerted her ; never again , she swore , would she be short of money .
8 In the middle of a prime corn-growing district , Chichester is unlikely to have been a centre of putting out ; high wages there probably showed the influence of a craft-based manufacture , though on too small a scale to have any marked effect on the level and distribution of wealth .
9 As yet working-class protest was on too small a scale and too sporadic to pose a major challenge , but it contributed to official anxiety .
10 Although some progress has since been made by the meticulous work of the late Sir Ian Richmond and Roger Goodburn , it has been on too small a scale to support any attempt at a chronology of the history of the site .
11 The whole arrangement was on too small a scale for our size , and on one occasion , while making a nocturnal visit to the bushes , Lorne stumbled through the main string , snapped it and brought the curtain up ( or rather down ) on the whole assembled company .
12 For shorter boards the same principles apply , but the back position does not make the board faster as the board planes on too small a surface and becomes difficult to control
13 The only planets we can see are the ones that orbit the Sun — far too small a sample to draw any conclusions from .
14 It is felt that this is too small a sample to give a meaningful impact weighting factor derived in this manner , since , if the rejection figure for thesis-derived papers is the same as for all papers , this would only amount to two or three papers ( 27% of 10% ) .
15 It is felt that this is too small a sample to give a meaningful impact weighting factor derived in this manner , since , if the rejection figure for thesis-derived papers is the same as for all papers , this would only amount to two or three papers ( 27% of 10% ) .
16 What she saw under the lights was a boat , a big one in too small a space .
17 They are also useful for reflecting too small a space and exaggerating every last bit of light .
18 Factory farming of salmon is producing too many fish for too small a market .
19 For all but a few types the LOB corpus alone is too small a source from which to reliably derive information about how likely a word is to belong to a particular grammatical category ( many words in the LOB occur just once ) .
20 Is that too small a task for you to do ?
21 This must of course be partly because inflation has made even £100 too small a sum to need spreading over many instalment repayments .
22 For example , if an appeal court thinks that the victim of a motor accident has been awarded too small a sum of damages for injuries inflicted by the defendant 's negligence , it can increase the award .
23 This was a surprising development ; Derry had a relatively weak Labour movement and had too small a population to create a sizeable pool of individuals who were prepared to stand out against the political and social attitudes of the majority .
24 In her trip she had been in too small a room — that was all .
25 In up-country British Nigeria , the British proper were too small a group to be British , so they became ‘ Europeans ’ and let in the Lebanese traders .
26 Can I ask is it because it was too small a group , or is it because no one can make up their mind where they belong ?
27 A cruise ship is too small a place to allow for lovers ’ tiffs .
28 This is too small a number to make any claims to statistical representativeness .
29 It is clear that the choice of signs for comparison will affect the results of such an exercise ; a balance must be sought between too small a number and too great .
30 Too small a number of affirmative votes could seem an insult to the Jews ; the vote was taken immediately .
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