Example sentences of "too [adv] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile he remained a guest of the Fists , whose Chirurgeons deemed his scapular and hip scars too throughly cauterized to allow them to cyborg him .
2 It all represents King a little too effectively marketed to tingle the skin , but underneath it all there is the same fluidity , the same lightning double-time runs , the same sense of shape , declaring that repackaging can not really cramp his style .
3 For pupils of high ability , too much of the curriculum was often taken up with preparation for exams , and too little done to stretch them in the earlier years .
4 Many individuals , once they leave school , do too little exercise to keep healthy and to maintain good weight control .
5 These are both too well known and too widely misunderstood to introduce here in detail : Turing , it will be remembered , wanted to cut through philosophical discussion with a Wittgensteinian fervour .
6 Megarry V-C , in Marshall ( Thomas ) ( Exports ) v Guinle [ 1979 ] Ch 227 set out a test of four elements which is most helpful for determining whether the information is too widely known to retain the necessary quality of confidence .
7 During the 18th Century Turnpike Trusts were set up , partly to build new roads , but mainly to maintain old ones , many of which were poorly surfaced and too badly rutted to carry the increasing traffic .
8 Gorbad was too badly hurt to mount a vigorous pursuit , and many gallant knights were able to escape including the badly wounded Count of Wissenland .
9 Perhaps the leader was too badly hurt to give orders …
10 Its aims and operations are still too loosely formulated to allow it to be the cohesive force it could be .
11 ‘ I 'd too much pride to do anything else .
12 ‘ I hope you 're not in too much hurry to get home , ’ said Mrs Wright .
13 In the same way when you are elderly and live alone , it may seem like too much bother to cook just for yourself .
14 Families may have to share lavatories with other families or it may be inconveniently placed and so parents find that it is too much bother to take children to the lavatory and continue to let them soil .
15 Too much bother to fetch a raincoat .
16 The effect upon the family of extra-familial sexual activity on the part of a parent are too widely known and have been too much discussed to need much elaboration here .
17 I think there 's too much attached to age .
18 They were ambling back , Joanna and her late hot lover , a tinker by the look of him , sodden with sex , Hope thought , she too carelessly satiated to fasten her dress properly , he altogether swaggering in the success of his rut .
19 She was prickly and sharp with him , and only too obviously relieved to make her escape .
20 However , there are occasions when the product is either too expensive or too highly specialised to give away .
21 Too many too easily turn to divorce to solve their difficulties of conflict .
22 Interpretations of normalisation are too easily made to fit with long-established assumptions and practice .
23 It seems that the children have been too easily persuaded to sell their land and houses , for what matters in a drama like this is not that the children should act out what actually happened in real life , but that it should open up and help them understand the dilemmas of industrialisation .
24 A pamphleteer opposing a " too generous " Poor Law in 1786 , noting that paupers were too easily allowed to build cottages on the waste and install themselves to become eventual burdens on the rates , remarked , " Happily the justices of the peace have no legal authority to augment the number of our cottages .
25 The trouble is , one becomes too deeply involved to notice what 's going on … ’
26 Sir Oliver is sorry to hear that ; but would he not be too smartly dressed to look like a money-lender ?
27 If Westminster MPs are too haughty to consider a role for themselves as a junior revising chamber of the European Parliament and too short sighted to invite Strasbourg experts on to their own select committee on EC affairs , they , not the MEPs will be the eventual losers .
28 What it lacks in aim , it makes up for with persistence and it too usually manages to break open one of the eggs .
29 With difficulty , though , she hid her ire — and it seemed a good idea then to reply to this high and mighty man with what he all too clearly wanted to hear .
30 He was too far gone to give a damn about anything .
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