Example sentences of "more at [num] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At seventy five all done , at seventy five only , any more at seventy five pounds ?
2 Any more at seventy five .
3 is the Grafonola with some needle tins and things , Lot thirteen , twenty for them , twenty pounds at thirty pounds , anyone at twenty twenty pounds , twenty three , any more , twenty at twenty pounds any advance on twenty pounds , two , five eight , thirty thirty pounds against you , thirty five forty forty five fifty fifty five sixty sixty five seventy seventy five standing at seventy five pounds now , any more at seventy five at the back , I 'll sell at seventy five pounds .
4 Fifty five pounds all done at fifty five , now any more at fifty sixty sixty pounds up there all done then at sixty pounds
5 Fifty five fifty five at the back , any more at fifty five pounds ?
6 Lot nineteen nineteen cylindrical vase there 's the carved vase showing thirty for this one , at thirty pounds , at thirty five , at thirty five pounds at thirty five pounds , any more at thirty five only , at forty in front , forty five fifty in front , five fifty five against you , near me at fifty five pounds , you all finished now , at fifty five , any more at fifty five .
7 Gentleman in the centre , three eighty and that 's for number eight three six Lot number forty four Lot forty four is the Japanese hand-warmer there 's the hand-warmer for fifty pounds , at fifty , fifty five pounds , at fifty five pounds at fifty five , any more at fifty five , all done ?
8 Lot number seventy three seventy three , the baluster vase is showing for fifty pounds at fifty , fifty five pounds , at fifty five pounds at fifty five , any more at fifty five , you all done ?
9 Lot number one one seven Lot number one one seven is the next to offer celadon jade er pendant another jade pendant for fifty pounds , at fifty , fifty five pounds at fifty five pounds , any more at fifty five pounds only , at fifty five , sixty sixty five seventy I 'm offered I 'm offered seventy to my left and I shall take seventy pounds , any more at seventy ? ?
10 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
11 Ninety seven there it is now showing , Lot ninety seven , singing bird in cage I have three hundred offered for this , three hundred pounds and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty , fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred fifty eight hundred eight hundred pounds seated now , any more at eight hundred and fifty nine hundred and fifty nine fifty nine fifty , one thousand new bidder thousand one hundred one thousand one hundred pounds , any more ?
12 Lot one hundred and twenty mother of pearl case now three hundred for this one , three hundred pounds , any more ? three hundred and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred six fifty seven hundred seven hundred pounds near the back , any more at seven hundred , and fifty new bidder against you now seven hundred and fifty over there on the right at the back and I 'll sell at seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred on the left at the back , now any more at eight hundred pounds ?
13 Any more at eight hundred pounds ?
14 Lot number twenty six Lot number twenty six , the grey jade pendant there 's the grey jade pendant showing Lot twenty six for thirty pounds at thirty , thirty five , forty , forty five , fifty for you sir , thank you , five sixty , sixty five seventy offered I 'm bid seventy in the centre now and selling for seventy , seventy five to my right eighty pounds eighty five eighty five , the lady 's offer , sir at eighty five pounds , any more at eight five pounds .
15 Seven hundred all done then , seven fifty , eight hundred eight hundred pounds now , any more ? hundred pounds eight fifty I hear down there , thank you , any more at eight fifty ?
16 Five hundred five hundred now , any more at five hundred and fifty five hundred and fifty pounds , any more at five fifty ? at five hundred and fifty pounds against you , are you all done ?
17 Lot thirty eight is the mahogany Monarch with brass horn now showing , thank you , I 've five hundred pounds offered , any more at five hundred ?
18 sixty two eighty three hundred three twenty three fifty three eighty four hundred four twenty four fifty four eighty five hundred and fifty five fifty on the right then , any more at five hundred and fifty and I 'll sell at five hundred and fifty pounds .
19 At five fifty , it 's against you all on the left , at five fifty , any more at five hundred and fifty pounds ? is nine seven six , thank you .
20 Lot seventy four is the Concert that 's it , yes there it is the er Edison Concert , Lot seventy four five hundred offered for starters , five hundred pounds , any more at five hundred ?
21 Lot one hundred and one thank you , is the Rogers Ampico piano , Lot a hundred and one , I 've five hundred offered , five hundred pounds , any more at five hundred ?
22 Five fifty on my right now at five fifty , any more at five hundred and fifty pounds ?
23 Lot number one two two Lot number two one two two , the gold lacquer shrine there 's the shrine showing there it is for five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds , any more at five hundred only , at five , you all done ?
24 Lot one hundred and fourteen now showing another one by Bruguier , Lot one hundred and fourteen and I have four thousand pounds offered to start with , four thousand two hundred , five hundred four thousand eight hundred , five thousand at five thousand pounds , any more at five thousand ?
25 At five thousand it 's with me at five thousand five hundred fifth row at five thousand five hundred pounds , any more at five thousand five hundred pounds down there and I shall sell at five thousand five hundred pounds .
26 Two hundred , three thousand five hundred , three thousand eight hundred four thousand two hundred four thousand five hundred four thousand eight hundred five thousand five thousand pounds , any more at five thousand pounds and I 'll sell at five thousand , all done at five thousand pounds .
27 Five hundred five hundred now , any more at five hundred and fifty five hundred and fifty pounds , any more at five fifty ? at five hundred and fifty pounds against you , are you all done ?
28 Four eighty against you now at five hundred five fifty five fifty seated , any more at five fifty , it 's against you all on the right now five hundred and fifty pounds .
29 At five hundred and fifty pounds , any more at five fifty ?
30 Five hundred and fifty pounds , any more at five fifty ?
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