Example sentences of "more [adj] [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 4 More hanging space than is usually provided .
2 First , birds performing the appropriate actions could have had more surviving offspring than those making less good nests ; consequently , in the course of time , genes necessary for the expression of the appropriate actions spread through the long-tailed tit population .
3 They had my permission , of course , but they preferred to be discreet about it — and what more discreet place than the engine-room ?
4 My original programme included the week 's Workshop in Jaipur and two lectures in Delhi , but in fact I found myself with many more professional engagements than this , through the Indian habit of ‘ cashing in ’ on one 's presence to arrange last minute lectures and seminars , and the Indian tendency to solicit one 's opinion of personal research , of Ph.D .
5 Wulfstan , as primate of York , doubtless had more political influence than most , and clearly did his best to rectify social conditions worsened by enemy harrying , heavy taxation , the severe famine of 1005 , and maladministration .
6 The Cambridge group showed that most of these radio sources must lie outside our galaxy ( indeed many of them could be identified with other galaxies ) and also that there were many more weak sources than strong ones .
7 We 've had more invading rulers than we can remember !
8 As a further indication of the industry 's plight , he said : ‘ Nineteen ninety-one was the first year in which more used cars than new cars were bought on credit finance . ’
9 Sometimes I 'll even do more exaggerated things than he would have done , but I do it because that 's the way the music makes me feel .
10 The digesta version , contrary to its usual practice , seems to have struck out more unnecessary detail than the responsa , such as the lengthy description of the debts and the circumlocution referring to the time the will was made .
11 There are , the there can be few more helpless creatures than sheep .
12 The growing interest in German and Japanese in some parts of the world and the fact that the US looks likely to have more Spanish speakers than Anglophones some time in the next century may have an impact eventually .
13 Probably few people in the country could have more direct experience than she had .
14 In 1821 the former guerrilla leader Mina , an advanced liberal , recognized that a canon of Pamplona had more popular power than the provincial parliament of Navarre .
15 He said I should have more adequate protection than a burglar alarm .
16 When it was suggested that the upper skins had been forced off as a result of the inflation of the fixed tailplane by the pressurised air through the ruptured pressure dome escaping via the rear ( unpressurised ) part of the fuselage , I contended that it was necessary to have more reliable evidence than uncorroborated deduction before such a conclusion could be accepted .
17 Throughout its existence , London Switchboard has always had more would-be volunteers than it could take on .
18 Women in the past ( and still ) have had more limited access than men to financial resources , for example to occupational pensions which will be discussed below ( Groves , 1986 , 1987 ) .
19 She could not have had more instant attention than she got then .
20 That 's what this juvenile male barn owl is doing ; Barny turned out to have more violent tendencies than this ! ( )
21 Then women , especially married women , were less visible in the public world and were discriminated against in it in many more explicit ways than is currently the case .
22 That is reflected in the fact that there are now about 100,000 more orthopaedic operations than there were in 1979 .
23 Until now , those people who had more taxable benefits than allowances had to pay the extra tax in one sum after the following year end because the former PAYE system could not collect it .
24 It is embarrassing to know that one is a god of a world that only exists because every improbability curve must have its far end ; especially when one can peer into other dimensions at worlds whose Creators had more mechanical aptitude than imagination .
25 One important corollary of the decision that obscene material must have more serious effects than arousing feelings of revulsion is the doctrine that material which in fact shocks and disgusts may not be obscene , because its effect is to discourage readers from indulgence in the immorality so unseductively portrayed .
26 The idea of a Gaullist party had certainly been raised in the aftermath of the liberation — mostly by ex-resisters without a party affiliation — but there is no evidence that de Gaulle gave it any more serious consideration than he had done in 1943 .
27 This disruption may have more serious consequences than we realise .
28 The work of the police , according to Sir Robert Mark in 1978 , now required ‘ not only as much physical courage and dedication as policing parts of Victorian London but a great deal more moral courage than has been required by the police at any time since Peel ’ .
29 By 1871 , Oldham had more cotton-spinning spindles than any country in the world outside the USA and it maintained that position of superiority until 1937 .
30 I find it hard to think of any more splendid compensation than conferment of the power to transfer a very large sum of money from a newspaper which I dislike and despise to an organisation or institution which I love and admire .
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