Example sentences of "still could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I still could n't pin the bastard down , ’ he complained .
2 And then Martin , I sa I still could n't think who it was .
3 He still could n't stand without assistance .
4 Kate raised her chin to him , but she still could n't stop the colour from flooding her cheeks .
5 She found she still could n't eat .
6 But we still could n't tell whether he could sing or not .
7 She still could n't tell what made him tick just by looking at him .
8 How many more hostages were we going to see walk free while our Government still could n't tell us if John was alive ?
9 I mean if he was hung , drawn and quartered he still could n't pay for it the suffering he 's gon na cause .
10 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
11 He still could n't move .
12 The secret is holding it in check , rationing it , saving the best of yourself for the night , and as I scanned the running order in the lull before the storm , I still could n't decide on a personal favourite .
13 He hurled himself over in bed to study the writing under the lamp , still could n't decide whether it was Jim 's or Bella 's , ate a piece of milk chocolate , and then six Codeines , because he had forgotten to bring his sleeping pills .
14 After twenty years , George still could n't decide whether they spent the time thinking or it was just to show they need n't really answer anything .
15 Apparently Ray still could n't bring himself to sell it , and instead donated it to a pond built by the Norwich section of the BKKS for a local Cheshire Home .
16 But he still could n't bring himself to touch the trigger .
17 Personally I 'd invite him to t ’ gaffer 's office , talk to ‘ im , try to see it from ‘ is point o ’ view , listen to ‘ is side , then if I still could n't bring ‘ im round , give ‘ im smack in t ’ mouth . ’
18 But I still could n't bear to see him sneaking off with someone else .
19 He still could n't spare him a drop of real hatred , though — Carter was the one .
20 I taught at a private primary school for girls and really , compared with what some teachers go through , I had a terribly easy time , but I still could n't cope .
21 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
22 Yet women , of my generation were the first to have the chance to refuse burdens that just could n't be borne , to understand that it was possible to refuse them without censure , to realise that if you still could n't have everything , you could at least make some choices about what you could have .
23 I still could n't fathom why I did n't altogether trust the man , ‘ I must be off , ’ I muttered and returned to lim .
24 I still could n't grasp that he understood the particular use I made of such ‘ consistent convolutions ’ .
25 But I still could n't touch the trigger .
26 As usual the sports firms were slow to respond , and even by the mid-Eighties you still could n't buy good , exclusive trainers in most cities .
27 A rush of stock exchange takeover bids coined money for shareholders , and Britain imported more French champagne than any other country , although one in three families still could n't afford a TV .
28 It was Ashley Watt 's treat , of course ; I still could n't afford to eat out unless it was in the street and out of a paper poke .
29 How many people of the , how many of you here today , could actually pay for your home out of your income , if you waited until you have sufficient income to pay for your home in its entirety , the bulk of the people in this room , even though there are , yes , some rich farmers , still could n't afford to have a home .
30 When plastered and complete , it still could n't keep sound out entirely , as those walls which butt up to the party wall ( flanking walls ) would still carry some of the unwanted noise into your house .
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