Example sentences of "still [vb past] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Those were his words , ’ said Nancy , looking round uneasily , as if she still expected to see Sikes .
2 You ruined your career trying to help a Jewish girl in Warsaw and yet that last night in Norfolk , you still tried to get Churchill . ’
3 As she hurried upstairs to the bedroom , which still seemed to hold Leo 's presence , she tried not to indulge in daydreams that would in all probability prove to be no more substantial than the rainbows she 'd witnessed earlier .
4 At the dawn of the 1990s , with the European single market looming ever closer , most British people still seemed to feel content with their identity .
5 He still needed to encourage supporters in the army and in the civilian population to keep up their pressure on the regime .
6 Still , it was the hangover of that piece of moral cowardice at Lochgair station , along with everything else , that led to me feeling so profoundly awful with myself that evening ( after the train finally did get into Queen Street and I walked back , soaked and somehow no longer hungry , in the rain to the empty flat in Grant Street ) , that mum had to call me there , because I had n't been able to bring myself to phone her and dad … and I still managed to feign sleep and a little shame and a smattering of sorrow and reassure her as best I could that really I was all right , yes of course , not to worry , I was fine , thanks for calling … and so of course after that felt even worse .
7 But he still managed to find time to compose , and in February 1784 he began to keep a catalogue of his music , in which each piece is entered by date .
8 If they then still chose to seek engineering jobs , this could be seen as evidence of commitment .
9 It was so essential that Lydia and Wickham should get married even though their chance of happiness was slim and Wickham was disliked , the marriage still had to take place because the alternative of public disgrace for Lydia and the rest of her family was so terrible .
10 Avril still had to undergo radiotherapy , but was also determined to go back to college after Christmas .
11 A DJ for nine years since he was sixteen , Djaimin was born of an Italian father and English mum — but we still had to use Mike as an interpreter .
12 I still had to do homework when I got back home because nobody knew how quickly the floods would disappear so there was still the possibility of school tomorrow .
13 The Australian Wool Corporation , which controls wool marketing down under , lowered its floor price by 20% because of falling demand , but still had to buy 70% of the wool on sale at auction each week .
14 He still had to find room for two more , so he decided to banish the two foolish , pretty O'Hanlons from their billiard-table , sensing that they would make least fuss .
15 Even those prepared to sacrifice comfort for hair-raising economy still had to find 2d or 3d ( 1p or 1.25p ) a mile .
16 When Philip IV tried to attack England in 1295 , he still had to seek transport ships from the Baltic ports and from those which he could seize in French harbours , together with sailors from Flanders .
17 There were days when the leaders of the band refused to let them light any kind of fire in case German patrols found them and yet they somehow still had to produce food that the men could eat .
18 The petitioner still had to prove breakdown by demonstrating one ( or more ) of the following ‘ facts ’ : that the respondent had committed adultery ; that the respondent had behaved in such a way that the petitioner could not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent ; that the respondent had deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years ; that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least two years and that the respondent consented to a decree being granted ; or that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least five years .
19 We could only make him as comfortable as possible under the conditions , and we still had to bomb Berlin ’ .
20 The party still had to cross Loch Arkaig by boat to meet up with his security men who were waiting with a Range Rover , and were clearly becoming worried .
21 Ampney Crucis Mill is a long-term survivor for , in an age when many rural mills went out of business as a result of their comparative remoteness , coupled with competition from large steam-powered town mills , it still continued to grind corn .
22 We find few mentions of the bishops living at Halling now , although they still continued to use Trottescliffe .
23 MacArthur , living legend and darling of the China Lobby which still hoped to see Chiang Kai-Shek back in China , returned to a public uproar which was definitely in his favour .
24 Bush emphasized that he still hoped to avert war , and that a meeting could still go ahead in Baghdad between US Secretary of State James Baker and President Saddam Hussein a few days after Jan. 3 .
25 Observers in Tokyo commented that Abe 's visit was as much an attempt by Abe , who still hoped to succeed Kaifu as Prime Minister if the LDP was successful in the elections , to upstage Kaifu 's European tour as to improve relations with the Soviet Union .
26 I still hoped to aid Justine — or rather to correct the course of justice , feeling , in some vague and entirely unwarrantable way , that I was more civilized than these Genevese , having a two-century evolutionary lead over them !
27 There was another problem with some of the firm political allies such as Lambeth , Brent , Haringey and Hackney , who still tended to leave investment decisions to their advisers : NoS had to teach them what to do .
28 At 78 he still refused to stop work : ‘ My advice to parents is not to give up to the rising generation the place you have occupied in the world so long , because there are some who are very near to you who would turn round and put you out homeless and penniless . ’
29 Some part of her still wanted to defend Luke Hunter , even though she was beginning to realise that he was far from being the man she thought she knew — the man she had let herself love .
30 After midnight , there would be a family get-together at my parents ' house ; I still wanted to take part in it , however far from home I was .
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