Example sentences of "'ll look [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll look at that when we 're looking at the commercial and marketing risk .
2 Right right right well we we 'll we 'll look at that quite clearly .
3 If you 're raising a particular point and the reason that we 're here this evening is to look at things that people are raising we 'll look at that report we 'll look at the point your raising and er we 'll we 'll see if it validity to it .
4 Yeah , we 'll look at that yeah that 's sort of .
5 Erm yeah we 'll look at that .
6 Erm we 'll look at that then we 'll look at the nu we 'll have a look at the number line and we 'll look at temperatures .
7 We 'll look at that some time .
8 And I hope when you go there e Aled that you 'll look at that because that 's all Welsh slate .
9 Erm we 'll look at that again , that 's enough on that .
10 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
11 Also it is a common feature of course that you need to order the resources , that you have the resource in terms of people or the economy or the armed forces , you need to order those resources to try to achieve your ends erm and we 'll look at that later , the aims that you 're going for in foreign policy so they 're common , that you 're in the same environment , that you 've got to m er whatever the resources you have you have to try to organize them to achieve your ends and so on .
12 Okay , okay we 'll look at that .
13 If there is n't one then we , we er er it er oh mind you I suppose there 's no hassle to them to put a Welsh thingy , anyway I 'll look at that .
14 But that 's a call transfer is n't it , we 'll look at that in a second .
15 If the taxman thinks you 've been cheating , he 'll look at all your affairs with extra care and may check back on tax returns for previous years .
16 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
17 I wrote to say so and received a courteous reply from the producer , who said , ‘ I 'm interested in the DIY approach you suggest and in our next series perhaps we 'll look at this more closely . ’
18 ‘ If you agree to my helping you in that direction , then we 'll look at this situation again in a few weeks , when you 'll hopefully be in a more stable state of mind . ’
19 I look at what that is in value , about two and a half thousand , I 'll look at this one ,
20 He 'll look on that .
21 Perhaps he 'll look on that amazing jersey you sent off as an olive branch . ’
22 Erm , I 'll look on this fixtures list
23 We 'll look for some firewood .
24 I 'll look into that and have it stopped . ’
25 I ca n't imagine , ’ he said , ‘ but I 'll look into that later .
26 Right , well we 'll look into we 'll look into that .
27 So the , the two suggestions which we 'll put forward then is , is naming one of capital projects in , in this financial year , of the centenary , and possibly looking at er erm joining into a service or establishing a service with the Minster , and I 'll , I 'll look into that with the Provost as well , and the Association .
28 erm , right okay , well I 'll look into that , but I think that serves a good point , right moving back to the agenda , erm , note of meeting fifth of August , erm , anything for those of you who were there , that Cath had to run away , that was one of your crises you were having
29 Oh we 'll look into that and !
30 Well I 'll look into that one .
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